Path: Transactions > Time Manager > Time & Attendance–General Subtab
The Time & Attendance function allows you to review, edit, approve, and add technician's time records. This can be applied to one technician or many depending on the fields you use to filter the results. The Set Query link on the Action Menu is the key to generating labor line results in the grid.
View labor lines based on the following:
- Technician
- Time Type
- Trade
- Start and End Date (required)
- Work Time, Non-Work Time (or both)
- Approval Status Approve Subtab)
Path: Transactions > Time Manager > Time & Attendance–Approve Subtab
The Approve Subtab applies to the Time Card Approval feature in WebTMA. The fields on this Subtab work in coordination with the fields on the General Subtab. For example, the fields on the Approve Subtab apply only to the Time Card Approval feature; however, dates must be established on the General Subtab to see line item results in the grid. The dates entered on the Approve Subtab then limit the overall results.
For example, if you enter This Year as the Time Frame on both Subtabs and click the Set Query link on the Action Menu, the only lines that display in the grid are those that meet the approval Status on the Approve Subtab. On the other hand, if you remove the Time Frame setting on the Approve Subtab and click the Set Query link, the grid displays all labor lines that meet the criteria set on the General Subtab.
How to Use Time & Attendance Entry
Path: Transactions > Time Manager > Time & Attendance
Follow the instructions in to set the query.
- Click the Add Labor Lines link at the top of the grid to add a new line.
- (Optional) Click the pencil icon to edit a line.
- Complete the required fields, i.e., those fields with a color background. Note: If this is work order time, the Work Order # field is required.
- Complete elective fields as needed. The Account field is used only if the work order is chargeable.
- Click the Save button on the popup window.
You can add labor lines for other technicians by selecting a new technician code in the Technician field at the top of the Time & Attendance window and clicking the Set Query link to display a different list of technician line items. If the time costs are not chargeable, be sure to mark the No Charge check box.
If the work order requires General Comments, click the General Subtab to add them. Comments entered here are inserted at the top of any existing General Comments on the work order. If you enter General Comments on multiple line items for the same work order, the comments are added as they are processed, with no guarantee of the order in which they appear.
NOTE: Labor charges can also be added using Quick Post Time & Attendance. Quick Post offers more flexibility than the Time & Attendance window.
How to View Time & Attendance Lines
Path: Transactions > Time Manager > Time & Attendance
Use the fields on the General Subtab to establish the criteria for selecting labor lines in the grid. Fields on the Approve Subtab apply only to the Time Card Approval feature in WebTMA. (Optional) Type or select the Technician ID code.
- Accept the default dates, or type a Start Date and End Date range of your choosing. Or, click the Time Frame field to select from a list of pre-defined date ranges.
- (Optional) Refine the search by clicking the down arrow in the Time Type field to specify a type (e.g., Regular Time, Overtime, Sick Time).
- (Optional) Click to clear one of the check boxes if you want to see only one category (work time or non-work time).
Show Work Time includes all time types which have been designated as work order time in Organization > Lookups / Time Types. The results include open, closed and scheduled work orders assigned to the selected technician.
Show Non-Work Time includes all time types that have not been designated as work order time.
- Click Set Query on the Action Menu.
If the technician has any time that fits the criteria you set, the line items display in the grid. You can add more labor lines or edit existing lines. See How to Use Time & Attendance Entry for instructions on adding more lines.
Time Card Approval in Time & Attendance
Path: Transactions > Time Manager > Time & Attendance
Labor lines that are eligible for approval or have been approved are identified in two columns in the grid on the Time & Attendance window. Scroll to the right to locate the Approver and Approved Date columns in the grid. These columns are also available in Time & Attendance reports.
The Approve Subtab applies to the Time Card Approval feature in WebTMA.
Once you have set the criteria on the General Subtab, you can further refine the criteria using the fields on the Approve Subtab and click Set Query to limit the list to those lines that also meet the criteria on the Approve Subtab. Note you have the option to filter for Approved, Not Approved, or Both Approved and Not Approved.
To approve line items:
- Check the box(es) at the beginning of a line.
- Click the Approve Time Entries link on the Action Menu.
Note: The ability to approve time is granted to User or Group records on the Privileges Tab. (Admin > User Management > Records or Groups)
You also have the option to remove your approval using the Revoke Approval link on the Action Menu. Simply check the boxes of desired lines and click the Revoke Approval link on the Action Menu.
A check box in Batch Management > Post Charges labeled Approved Labor Only has been added. By default the box is unchecked. When checked, the Batch Job excludes from posting any labor lines that do not have an approval date.