P-Card Reconcile - WebTMA 7

Path: Material > P-Card > P-Card Reconcile

When P-Card transactions are saved, all items are tracked separately until the P-Card Transaction is reconciled.

When an item is reconciled, it is removed from a virtual dock and entered as an inventory, Sales Order, or Work Order Part line. Although the terminology is similar, materials invoicing is not required to use P-Cards.

The P-Card Reconcile Query flyout identifies the card and statement. Only unreconciled transactions display on the P-Card Reconcile window.

How to Use P-Card Reconcile Query

Follow the menu path to open the P-Card Reconcile window.

  1. Choose the New Transaction Query link on the grid to open the P-Card Reconcile Query flyout.

  2. Select the P-Card #. The Last Statement Date and Balance fields are populated automatically.

  3. Select the Statement Date.

  4. Enter any Fees, Interest, and Payments to balance the statement. Since WebTMA does not track a full P-Card statement, these items are deducted from the Unreconciled balance on this window.

  5. Choose the Save button to view the eligible list on the P-Card Reconcile window.

P-Card Reconcile Window

The P-Card Reconcile window opens after you have completed the P-Card Reconcile Query window and saved. See How to Use P-Card Reconcile Query for instructions.

The P-Card Reconcile window includes all unreconciled transactions associated with the selected P-Card. If needed, you can return to the P-Card Reconcile Query flyout by selecting the New Transaction Query link at the top of the grid.

After reconciliation, the summary items are made permanent on the related transaction. These transactions are Work Orders or Sales Orders for stocked and non-stocked purchase types. Items purchased for stock are placed in open inventory. This mechanism prevents Part distribution with inaccurate pricing information.

How to Reconcile P-Cards

Transactions marked for reconciliation are not updated in the database until the statement is balanced. When the read-only Difference field displays 0.00, the Reconcile button is enabled.

Use the How to Use P-Card Reconcile Query instructions to generate a list. On the P-Card Reconcile window:

  1. Mark the check box for line items to indicate the transaction to be reconciled.

  2. Select the Reconcile button.

The Reconcile button is enabled only when you have a zero balance. If needed, you can modify transaction lines to get the zero balance. See How to Modify P-Card Transaction Lines for more information.

How to Modify P-Card Transaction Lines

A transaction line item on the P-Card Reconcile window can be modified as needed to make the transaction match the statement. To modify a transaction:

  1. Choose a Trans. # to open the P-Card Transaction window in a separate Tab with the transaction visible.

  2. Edit the line item to change the P-Card Transaction. These changes are updated in the P-Card Reconcile window when you select Save on the WebTMA toolbar. All functions of the P-Card Transaction window are available.

  3. Continue with the reconciliation process.

Final P-Card Reconciliation Process

When you choose the Reconcile button on the P-Card Reconcile window, the following occurs:

  • Transactions are marked as reconciled in the database.

  • All items purchased for stock are released to open inventory.

  • All specially tracked item distributions are finalized.

  • Distributed items are eligible for inclusion in the WebTMA Post Charges process after they are finalized

  • The uninvoiced item Btn_UninvoicedItem.png icon is removed from lines on the related Sales Orders and Work Orders.

Note that reconciled transactions cannot be modified.

P-Card On-hand Adjustments and Distributions

P-Card transaction items distributed to a transaction (Work Order or Sales Order) cannot be modified from the associated transaction. To modify the item, locate the P-Card Transaction and make the necessary changes. These line items do not qualify for inclusion in the WebTMA Post Charges process until the P-Card transaction is reconciled.

All line items in the P-Card Transaction window and P-Card Reconciliation entries generate a corresponding On-hand Adjustment audit trail.

When P-Card Transactions for stocked items are reconciled, a new On-hand Adjustment is created using adjustment type 3 for order arrival, and type 15 to issue Part (WO), or type 17 for a Sales Order.

As with any non-stocked item, the arrival is noted with Adjustment Code 3, Order Arrival, but non-stocked disbursements are never tracked using an On-hand Adjustment.

The On-hand Adjustment codes associated with P-Card Transactions are:

  • 3 Order Arrival When a P-Card transaction is reconciled, the line item is marked with adjustment code 3.
  • 25 Receive Uninvoiced Item When a P-Card transaction is entered, the line item is marked with adjustment code 25.
  • 15 Issue Uninvoiced Item (WO) Stocked items that are issued to Work Orders are marked with adjustment code 15.
  • 16 Return Uninvoiced Item (WO) Returned stocked items previously issued to Work Orders are noted by an on-hand adjustment line marked with adjustment type 16. If the quantity is decreased, adjustment type 15 is used (Issue Uninvoiced Item - WO).
  • 17 Issue Uninvoiced Item (SO) Stocked items that are issued to Sales Orders are marked with adjustment type 17.
  • 18 Return Uninvoiced Item (SO) Returned stocked items previously issued to Sales Orders are noted by an on-hand adjustment line marked with adjustment type 18. If the quantity is increased, adjustment type 17 is used (Issue Uninvoiced Item - SO).
  • 19 P-Card Adjustment Any incoming modification to a saved P-Card transaction results in on-hand adjustment line items marked with adjustment type 19 to indicate an increase in quantity.
  • 20 P-Card Adjustment Any outgoing modification to a saved P-Card transaction results in on-hand adjustment line items marked with adjustment type 20 to indicate a decrease in quantity.


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