P-Card Reconcile - WebTMA 5

Path: Material > P-Card > P-Card Reconcile

P-Card functionality is exclusive to WebTMA Enterprise.

Once P-Card transactions are saved, all items are tracked separately until the P-Card transaction is reconciled.

Once an item is reconciled, it is removed from a virtual dock and entered as inventory, sales order, or work order part line. Although the terminology is similar, materials invoicing is not required to use P-Cards.

The P-Card Reconcile Query window identifies the card and statement. Only unreconciled transactions display on the P-Card Reconcile / Identity Tab.

On the P-Card Reconcile Query popup, the P-Card # field in the upper section is needed to determine the list of transactions that will display on the P-Card Reconcile / Identity Tab. WebTMA looks for all P-Card transaction records with these criteria:

  • They are linked to the specific P-Card criteria.
  • They have not been reconciled previously (i.e., Reconcile Date is empty on the P-Card transaction record)

The fields in the lower section of this popup do not affect return the items that are listed when you click the List Transactions button; however, they are needed to reconcile any line items. The contents of these fields are used to enable or disable the Reconcile button on the P-Card Reconcile / Identity Tab, which allows the items to be reconciled. The calculation in the Unreconciled field is made as follows:

Unreconciled = Ending Balance + Payment - Interest - Fees

Since WebTMA does not track a full P-Card statement, the Interest and Fees are not accounted for in the list of transactions; therefore, they are deducted from the Ending Balance for reconciliation purposes.

How to Reconcile P-Cards

Path: Material > P-Card > P-Card Reconcile

P-Card functionality is exclusive to WebTMA Enterprise.

This window opens with a list of transactions when you click the List Transactions button on the P-Card Reconcile Query popup.

Use the P-Card Reconcile window to reconcile P-Card statements. Transactions marked for reconciliation are not updated in the database until the statement is balanced. When the Unreconciled Trans. and Cleared Trans. fields are equal and the Difference field displays 0.00, the Reconcile button is enabled

  1. Click to mark the transaction to be reconciled. Note the amount in the Cleared Trans. field. This value must equal the Unreconciled Trans. value.
  2. Click the Reconcile button.

The Reconcile button is enabled only when the Difference field shows 0.00. Values are based on the amounts entered on the P-Card Reconcile Query window. If needed, you can modify transaction lines to get the zero balance. 

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