Purchase Requisition - WebTMA 7

Path: Material > Purchase > Purchase Requisitions / Identity Tab

Use this function to request purchases either for stock in the Warehouse or as a single purchase. When authorized, the Requisition can be converted to a Purchase Order or a Request for Quote.

To get Vendor quotations before accepting the Purchase Requisition, use the Convert to Quote link on the Action Menu. Send the RFQ to as many Vendors as needed and get the best price before you order items listed in the requisition.

For Open and Authorized requisitions that don't need a quote, convert them directly to a Purchase Order using the Convert to Order link on the Action Menu, which carries forward the basic information. Line items can be converted individually to different PO numbers.

Purchase Requisitions Specifics

The PO# column in the Purchase Requisition Item Details Section grid displays the order number when a Purchase Requisition line is converted to a Purchase Order, and the read-only POs Tab lists any Purchase Orders related to this requisition.

A PR can be closed or re-opened using the Open/Close PR link on the Action Menu.

WebTMA gives you at-a-glance information about the status on the right side of the window. Look for these terms in bold type Authorized, Authorization Required, Open, Rejected, and Closed.

One Time Purchase (OTP) Parts are also included in the Search window for Purchase Requisitions. If you have many OTPs, you can quickly search for those records in existing PRs by Part Code using the Show Search Panel icon. Select Part Code as a criterion on the Find flyout and enter the full or partial OTP number to see the Purchase Requisitions that include the related OTP records.

The UDF Section is available to record information or data that is not included in the predefined fields of a record. The Section is found on many windows. These are added by your WebTMA System Administrator.

You can also create corresponding UDF fields for two windows: Work Order and Request Log. If you create UDFs in the System Form Attributes Section for each window and these share the same label and the same data type (i.e., Name and Type), the contents of the UDF field on your Request is carried to the corresponding UDF field on the Work Order when accepted.

These UDF fields can also be included on the Service Request Form / Layout Tab when System Administrators create new Service Request Forms.

How to Create Purchase Requisitions

From the Purchase Requisitions window:

  1. Choose Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Complete the required fields.
  3. Complete elective fields as needed.
  4. Select the Add Item link in the Purchase Requisition Item Details Section. This opens the Purchase Requisition Entry flyout.
  5. Go to the next topic How to Complete Purchase Requisition Entry.

How to Complete Purchase Requisition Entry

Purchase_Requisition_Entry flyout.png

Add items to the Purchase Requisition Entry flyout using these instructions.

  1. First complete the steps in How to Create Purchase Requisitions above.
  2. Accept the default Part radio button selection on the Purchase Requisition Entry flyout.
  3. (Optional) Mark the Filter part by repair center or Filter part by Vendor check boxes to limit selections if you have many eligible Parts.
  4. Complete the required line item fields (Part Code, Part Description, Quantity, and Unit Cost).
  5. (Optional) Mark the Taxable check box if applicable.
  6. (Optional) Select a Budget Code if you use the Universal Interface UPI Purchase Requisition Export feature.
  7. (Optional) Enter a Comment about the Part. This is for information only. Comments do not appear in reports.
  8. Choose the Save button on the flyout.
  9. Select Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

NOTE: When Admin > Client Info / Preferences–Materials Management–Filter Parts by Repair Center When Adding PO/PR Line is granted, the Part selections are limited to users with their Repair Center on the Part record.


WebTMA checks to be sure the quantity for a line that has distributions is at least equal to the Required Quantities of the distributions for the item. If the quantity is not adequate, you receive a message alerting you that the quantity is insufficient.

Your WebTMA System Administrator has the option to require that all items on a Purchase Requisition be fully distributed to Work Orders. If Require Full Distribution to Work Order is granted in Admin > Client Info / Preferences, Purchase Requisition records cannot be saved unless the full amount of all items requested have distribution lines added. In Edit mode, expand a line item and use the Add Distribution link if distributions are needed. Distributions are listed on the read-only Distribution Tab.

How to Add a Distribution Line

In Add or Edit mode:

  1. Expand the line.
  2. Choose the Add Distribution link on the next tier to open the Add Distribution flyout.
  3. Select the Work Order # and the Task auto-populates.
  4. Enter the Required Qty needed for the Work Order.
  5. (Optional) Complete elective fields on the window.
  6. Choose the Save button on the flyout.
  7. Select Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

UDF Section

The UDF Section is available to record information or data that is not included in the predefined fields of a record. The Section is found on many windows. These are added by your WebTMA System Administrator.

You can also create corresponding UDF fields for two windows: Work Order and Request Log. If you create UDFs in the System Form Attributes window for each window and these share the same label and the same data type (i.e., Name and Type), the contents of the UDF field on your Request is carried to the corresponding UDF field on the Work Order when accepted.

These UDF fields can also be included on the Service Request Form / Layout Tab when System Administrators create new Service Request Forms.


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