Scheduled Reports Window - WebTMA 7

Path: Reports > Scheduled Reports

Add, review, modify, or delete previously established report schedules from the Scheduled Reports window.

The window automatically displays a list of all Scheduled Reports. If you select the Add Scheduled Report link above the grid, the Scheduled Reports Entry flyout includes all the options seen on the Print Options window for Schedule Report plus a day of the week option for Weekly reports.

The pencil and trash can icons at the beginning of existing scheduled report lines are used to revise or remove those reports.

How to Modify Scheduled Reports

The default print option is .PDF, but you can choose the Excel radio button to generate the report in a spreadsheet format.

  1. Go to Reports > Scheduled Reports.
  2. Select the pencil icon on a report line.
  3. Make changes to the Scheduled Reported Entry flyout.
  4. Choose the Save button on the flyout.

How to Add Scheduled Reports

From the Reports > Scheduled Reports window:

  1. Choose the Add Scheduled Reports link to open the Scheduled Reports Entry flyout.
  2. Select the desired Report.
  3. Complete the required fields. See the Note below for Weekly reports.
  4. Make elective changes or additions as needed.
  5. Complete the required Criteria Section. This display changes depending on the report selected.
  6. Select the Save button on the flyout.

NOTE: If you select a Frequency of Week, the Week Days Section displays. Be sure to mark at least one check box for a day of the week. More than one day can be checked, but a minimum of one is required to generate a report. The check boxes apply only when you select Week as a Frequency.


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