UFI Setup - WebTMA 7

Path: Accounting > Universal Financial > UFI Setup

UFI Setup is performed by the WebTMA System Administrator. When your organization purchases the optional Universal Financial Interface module, this is specified in the license file. It is strongly advised that you limit access to Universal Financial. Only a few WebTMA System Administrators should be allowed to use the UFI windows.

Database Connection

In Edit mode, select the Application used, i.e., Banner, PeopleSoft, etc. The selections for the Application field are hard wired for the applications to which UFI can connect. You have the option of entering the URL of the UFI Web Service. Omit the Web Service URL only if you send data to a flat file. Unless you use the Web Service, all data transfer from exported files becomes a manual process. See UFI without Web Service below for details about what to expect if you do not use a Web Service.

The UFI Doc. Counter field is used to track the number of exported transactions. The field is updated when any UFI transaction is exported that uses the Document Code column. The counter is updated by transaction not per line item. If a transaction with the Document Code column is exported before the counter is set up, WebTMA automatically starts with a default value of 1.

The number in the Validation Timer (min) field determines the frequency of the cycle time used for the UFI ‘refresh/validation’ job, which is handled by the batch processor. By default, the field is set to one, i.e., the batch processor checks for pending jobs once per minute.

The setting on this window applies only to the UFI ‘refresh/validation’ process. If no value is entered in the Validation Timer field, the default remains true. If a different value is entered, such as 60, the UFI ‘refresh/validation’ cycle occurs after the specified number of minutes has elapsed. For example, if 60 is entered, the cycle is 60 minutes. Regardless of this setting, the ‘refresh/validation’ process will run immediately before a Post Charges batch job.

The Separator field is used to indicate the character you wish to use to separate each segment such as a hyphen ( - ) or a period ( . ).

The summary options are used to specify that totals from a transaction (not from individual transaction lines) are transferred based on the criteria noted in parenthesis. The default is No Summarization. If you select a different option, only the listed lines are summarized, i.e., Transaction #, Account #, etc. depending on the option selected.

Summarization does not affect the Header line in a document.

  • No Summarization No lines are totaled. Each transaction line is independently exported to either a database or a text file.
  • Summarization (Transaction # / Date / Account # / Debit or Credit)Transaction lines with the same transaction #, the same date, the same account #, and the same credit flag are totaled. The credit flag means that credit and debit lines will not be totaled together, even if they are of the same account #.
  • Summarization (Transaction # / Account # / Debit or Credit) This is the same as the previous summarization description, except the date is ignored.
  • Summarization (Account # / Debit or Credit) All the transactions of a similar type (Work Order, Sales Order, etc.) are grouped together if the account # and credit flag are the same. This grouping does not span multiple batch jobs (posting events).

By default, the Summarize Header check box is marked. Clear the check box if you want a header line for each transaction number.

If you use the Summarization options, line items that total zero are removed from the export. For example, if a $10 Part is issued to a Work Order and later it is returned, two export lines are created, namely, 10.00 and -10.00. Since these total zero, WebTMA does not export the line items.

There are data fields on the UFI Template that are specific for each transaction line such as Transaction # or Line Item Description. If the summary option selected does not contain those data fields, WebTMA uses hard-coded descriptions, such as “Summarized Work Orders,” “Summarized Sales Orders,” and “Summarized Utility Tickets.” If you do not want to use the hard-coded descriptions, you can replace the data field with a constant value and supply your own description.

UFI without Web Service

The UFI Setup window does not require a UFI Web Service URL; however, this is only recommended if you send your data to a flat file.

When the UFI Web Service field is empty:

  • All UFI exported data goes the UFI Export Data window as a zipped file saved as a linked document

  • Account Validation is ignored

  • Segments in any new accounts entered from Accounting > Accounts are automatically validated as True

Note that when a UFI Web Service URL is provided, WebTMA also includes a copy of the export .zip file as a linked document on the UFI Export Data window as well.


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