Accounts Identity Tab - WebTMA 7

Path: Accounting > Accounts / Identity

The Accounts / Identity Tab is used to enter and view the information that defines each Account. An Active check box is available. Only active accounts display in selection lists in WebTMA.

The Last Post Date field identifies the last date that charges were posted to the account. The following topics give detailed information about important fields found on the window.

NOTE: If you use the optional Universal Financial Interface (UFI), additional Account Segments fields display at the top of the window.


Enter the desired code in the Group field on the Accounts window. Account Groups are defined in Lookups / Account Groups and are used to assemble desired accounts. They are used as a grouping and sorting mechanism for reports.

Account Group values appear on reports for the Account window.

Balance Type

The Balance Type field is required. Select either Balance Forward or Periodic Balance. The field cannot be edited later. Your selection determines subsequent actions.

WebTMA tracks all accumulated costs by month and updates the current values each time records are saved. This provides a historical view of costs by month or year for the entire time a client is active.

Normal Balance

Select from Debit, Credit, or Unspecified to identify the type of transactions that will normally be posted to the account. Once you have used the account in transactions, do not change the field contents.

About Debit Balances

If you select Debit in the Normal Balance field, costs are subtracted from the budget amount when the Account # is entered in a billing Account field of a transaction. If used in a field that defines the amount to be paid, the amount is added to the budget amount.

Example: If a normal debit balance account is used in the Account # field on the Work Order / Identity Tab but a different account is used to record the labor, materials, and other costs, the costs will be subtracted from the budget of the normal credit balance account.

Costs are added to the budget if the normal debit balance account is used on the Cost Tabs and a different account is entered in the Account # field.

About Credit Balances

If you select Credit in the Normal Balance field, costs for accounts defined as having a normal credit balance (when used in debit fields, i.e., amount to be paid) are a positive adjustment to the Starting Balance field on the Accounts window.

Credit accounts do not typically have a budget; they are used to accumulate offsetting costs for debit accounts. If used in an Account field that defines charges (credit), the amount is subtracted from the budget amount.


This read-only field is available only with WebTMA Plus. It reflects the total amount of funds encumbered for the account.

Account Header

Mark the Account Header check box to designate the account record as a header. Header accounts are used for reporting purposes only. They reflect no charges or credits.

Sub-Account Section

If you use the Base version of WebTMA, the Sub-Account Section is visible on the Accounts / Identity Tab. Sub-accounts are used to distribute charges into sub-accounts for labor, materials, other, and contractor charges when you charge an account for work or services.

An advanced billing system is available with WebTMA Plus and uses the Work Order / Billing Info Tab  to set up multi-tier billing accounts with % Distribution and other features. See Billing Info Tab (WebTMA Plus) for details about using this Tab.

During the normal posting process, all Work Order charges post to the designated main charge account entered on the Work Order / Identity Tab.

If Sub-Accounts are defined and the Automatic Split Billing check box is marked, the following occur:

  • Cost data from the Work Order / Costs–Labor Section rolls up to the Labor Sub-account field.
  • Cost data from the Material Section rolls up to the Material Sub-account field.
  • Cost data from the Other Section rolls up to the Other Sub-account field.
  • Cost data from the Contractor Section rolls up to the Contract Labor, Parts, or Other Sub fields based on the Contract item type.

CAUTION: Use Sub-Accounts only with those accounts that are charged on Work Orders. To avoid skewed account information, do not use with accounts that are charged for Fuel and Oil, Vehicle Rental, Parts purchases, or any accounts other than those for Work Order charges.

How to Add Account Records

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Enter information in the required fields identified by colored backgrounds and an asterisk.
  3. Enter information in any of the remaining fields you choose.
  4. (Optional) Check the Account Header box only if the record is to be used as an account header for reports.
  5. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

The Active check box is marked by default to indicate this is an active account.

CAUTION: You cannot delete account records that are linked to other records. If you have an account that is no longer used, edit the account, and clear the Active check box. Inactive account numbers are not available in selection lists, but the integrity of the account information is retained.


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