Email Settings Overview - WebTMA 7

Path: Admin > Email Settings

The Email Settings window is used for two purposes:

  • Create custom text for automatic e-mail responses with variable tags
  • Suppress e-mail responses

All modules that support an email response are available from this window. A similar window is found at Organization > Records > Repair Center / Email Settings, but it is limited to Projects, Requests, and Work Orders. If you have the optional Facility Resource Scheduler module, Rentals and Reservations are also available on the Repair Center window.

Rather than use both windows, you can add all your custom messages from the Admin > Email Settings window. Any messages that apply to a given Repair Center will also display on the Email Settings Tab for that Repair Center. Changes made to existing messages from either module are reflected in both windows.

On the Admin > Email Settings window, you can reduce your view of custom messages by selecting a Repair Center in the Filter Repair Center field.

When you expand a line in the grid, WebTMA shows any previously created Email Events and a Repair Center Name column that indicates if any of the messages were designed for that Repair Center.

Email Settings Details

The Transaction Type, Event, and Keyword selections on the Email Template Entry flyout allow you to select a module and Event action and then insert key words in your email Subject and Body (message) for the selected Event action. Text is required in both the Subject and Body fields to save a custom message.

Use the fields on the Email Template Entry flyout for custom replies for the selected Transaction Type and Event action.

A Suppress check box at the upper right of the Email Template Entry flyout gives you the option to suppress email responses for the selected Transaction Type and Event action.

A few Event actions for Rentals and Reservations also trigger an additional Resource Info Section where you can add specific details about an item and insert those details in the Body Section.

From Address Rules and Hierarchy

WebTMA automatically populates the From field on an email. The address selected depends on the factors described below.

When the Default From Email box is checked on the User Management > Records / Identity Tab–General Information Section, WebTMA uses the following hierarchy to populate the From field:

(1) the logged-in user's email

(2) the Mailbox Name on the Repair Center / Identity Tab–Preferences Section

(3) the Dispatcher Email set from Client Info / Preferences–General Preferences Section

(4) the Email address found at Client Info / Identity–Contact Information Section


When the Default From Email box is NOT checked on the User Management > Records / Identity Tab–General Information Section, WebTMA uses the following hierarchy to populate the From field:

(1) the Mailbox Name on the Repair Center / Identity Tab–Preferences Section

(2) the Dispatcher Email set from Client Info / Preferences–General Preferences Section

(3) the logged-in user's email

(4) the Email address found at Client Info / Identity–Contact Information Section


How to Add Custom E-Mail Responses

Adding a custom message to any of the Transaction Type / Event combinations follows the same procedure.

Keyword tags are used to insert information that relates to the actual record. When WebTMA sends the email, the tags are replaced in the message with the information they represent. For example, the Request # Keyword tag is replaced by the Request number.

You can use any combination of Keyword tags more than once.

The formatting toolbar in the Body Section includes options to modify the message format as well as justify text (left, center, right, full), bold, italicize, etc. You also have the option to insert hyperlinks and images or create a table.

  1. Choose Add Email Setting link to open the Email Template Entry flyout (or click the pencil icon of an existing line).
  2. Enter a brief subject in the Subject Section.
  3. (Optional) Select a variable in the Keyword field if needed.
  4. Choose the Insert Keyword button to add the variable.
  5. Continue typing the subject until completed.
  6. Follow the same process for the Body Section to write a full message.
  7. Select the Save button on the flyout.

Keywords for each window that accommodates email settings are found in the online help.

Want to Know More?

Visit the WebTMA Help Page


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