E-Mail - WebTMA 5

Path: File > E-mail

Throughout the WebTMA application, you have the option to send e-mail messages. Some of these are generated automatically, some have customized text, and others are sent if you include an address in an E-mail field.

Regardless of the origin, each message is saved until it is deleted. The E-mail window is used to locate previously sent messages. Filter the list of messages by any or all of the fields on this window:

  • From
  • To
  • Subject
  • Start Date
  • End Date

Once you generate a list, you can forward messages to others or delete old messages. Use the Forward forward_icon.png icon to forward a message. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar, and use the Trash Can trash_can_icon.png icon to delete a line.

Manual deletion from this window is the only way to purge the stored messages; otherwise, the messages continue to accumulate.

To delete multiple lines at one time, click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar, and mark the check boxes of all that apply. Then click the Delete Selected button at the lower left below the grid.

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