Bar Charts - WebTMA 7

The Bar Chart Control offers numerous options to display at-a-glance data on your Dashboard.

Basic information about creating Controls is found in How to Add Dashboard Controls.

The following text describes the fields and options available to create a Bar Chart for your Executive Dashboard.

Bar Chart Configuration Fields

Using the Configuration Section for a Bar Chart, you can add or select options that determine the appearance of your Bar Chart.

Name – the label that appears at the top of the control (required).

Comments – free-form information for the person who adds the Control. It does not display on the Control itself.

Query Method – the type of query you want to use. The Window Query looks to the Base Window and Base Query described below. The Custom Query is restricted to SQL Custom Queries.

Base Window – used to select the module where your data Query is stored such as Work Order, Equipment, and Vehicle. Queries are created and saved using the Find flyout for specific modules.

Base Query – used to select a saved Query from the selected window.

Label Format – select the way you want labels displayed – if at all.

Show Labels – check this box to display the labels.

Show Tooltips – mark this check box to determine whether you can see the related information in a tooltip popup when you move the cursor over a bar in the chart.

Show X-Axis Values – use of this check box determines whether text displays under the X-Axis of the bar control. The text identifies the data represented.

Show Y-Axis Values – this check box determines whether or not values display on the Y-Axis line of the bar control. These values are also associated with the grid if you elect to show a grid.

X-Axis Labels – this is the label for each X-Axis bar.

Y-Axis Labels – this is the label for each Y-Axis bar.

Show Gridlines – this check box determines whether most horizontal grid lines are visible. The selection also removes the vertical lines. If unchecked, some horizontal grid lines are visible, but not the "in between" lines.

Aggregate Column – indicates the attribute assigned to that segment in the chart. If the aggregate column is numeric, you can sum, average, get the minimum value, get the maximum value, or count the number of records. If the aggregate column is text, you can only aggregate with a count of the return results.

Aggregate Operator – the action you want to apply to the Aggregate Column.

Group By Column – the column within the query to use as an additional segment.

Click the Legacy Query Builder button to set up multiple queries per Bar Chart. You can also use the aggregates on these queries if you want to have stacked result sets, i.e., stacked Bar Charts.

How to Add Bar Chart Controls

Follow the initial steps outlined in How to Add Dashboard Controls.

  1. Select the Bar Chart icon.
  2. Select the desired Color Palette block.
  3. Enter a Name.
  4. Select the Query Method.
  5. Select other options defined in Bar Chart Configuration Fields.
  6. Click the Preview button to see if the Bar Chart meets your expectations.
  7. Click the Save button on the Add Item flyout.

On the underlying Tab, rearrange and re-size the Controls with the standard MS Windows click-and-drag and resizing arrows.


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