Before you create Lease Management records, be sure to do the following:
Install the Batch Job Service
This is needed to use Batch Management to generate invoices for receivable leases. Be sure to include a Department name on the Lease record. This is critical for Accounts Receivable because that is the only selection for generating invoices in Batch Management.
Add Lookup Records
The three Lookups windows are: Lease Modification (applied to the Amendments Section of Lease Management > Records / Identity Tab), Lease Option Types (applied to the Lease Management > Records / Options Tab), and Lease Types (applied to the Lease Management > Records / Identity Tab)
Record Addresses
Tenants and Landlords are established on the Lease Management > Tenant/Landlord window.
Mark the Building and Area records
The check box labeled In Leasable Portfolio indicates records that apply to your lease. The check box is found in Buildings / Identity Tab–Additional Information Section and in the Areas / Identity–Option Controls Section. Without this check box marked, the Building or Area is not available for selection on the Lease window.
Create Task Records
These are used to assign responsibilities to the Landlord and Tenant.
Use Approval Routing
If you want to set up procedures to approve Leases, create Authorization Routes and Routine Criteria from Approval Routing.
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