Archive and Purge Window - WebTMA 5

Path: Admin > Archive and Purge

The Archive and Purge window is used to select the transactions you want to archive.

The window offers options that help you make the selection as broad or restricted as needed. Remember that all the records in an archived batch are deleted together; therefore, WebTMA suggests you create smaller archive batches that can be purged or retained as you require.

An address entered in the Email field is automatically added to the archive batch job. See the next topic, Archives and Batch Management, for more information.

The system is hard-wired to restrict the archive date range to one year. If the Beginning Date and Ending Date settings exceed one year, you receive an alert.

For Work Order records, the system uses the Completion Date that falls within the Beginning Date and Ending Date settings for archive eligibility, even if the Request Date is several years previous.

Archives and Batch Management

Even though the batch jobs are created behind the scenes when you save an Archive record, you can search both pending and executed jobs from the New Query window at Admin > Batch Management.

From the Batch Management window, click New Query on the Action Menu. Click the down arrow in the Select a Batch Job Type field, and Archive is an option.

Archive batch jobs are automatically set to run only on Saturday at 2:00 a.m. and only encompass one year. This is a system requirement.

Contents of the Email field on the Archive window are used as the email address for the batch job.

You have the option to delete a batch before execution, and it is completely removed. This gives you the opportunity to re-create it later.

If you cancel a batch job, the record is marked as cancelled, and you must copy the existing settings to set a new Archive record to run it again.

Archive Caveat

Although WebTMA recommends that you archive records in smaller batches, i.e., avoid selecting all transaction types for a single archive batch, some types of records need to be processed together. For example, if you archive Project records, the Project may have Project Requisitions, Estimates, Purchase Requisitions, etc. connected to it.

The Archive Process & Rules topics starting on page 6 list the order in which different types of records are processed as well as how connected records are handled. Review the list when you set up your Archive records so you can include connected records in your batch.

The window gives you the opportunity to select a few Transaction Types and further limit the contents by adding restrictions, such as limiting the archived transaction type to certain repair centers. See the next topic, How to Select Records for Archival, for a description of this process.

How to Select Records for Archival

The Archive and Purge window includes a list of Transaction Types that are eligible for archival. Although you can Check - All types for one archival batch, it is not recommended. See Archive Process and Rules starting on page 6 to better understand connected records.

In Add mode:

  1. Type a Description to identify the purpose of the archival batch.
  2. Select the Beginning and Ending Date for records to be archived.
  3. Click to check the Transaction Types to be archived.
  4. (Optional) Select restrictions. See the next topic, How to Add Archival Restrictions.
  5. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

If no restrictions have been specified, WebTMA pops up a query saying, "You have not selected any Criteria. Are you sure you wish to save?"

Until the batch is archived, the types and restrictions can be changed, and the window displays a Not Archived status. Click the Last Modified link on the Action Menu to see the date and name of the last person who modified the record.

How to Add Archival Restrictions

In Edit mode, two links display in the grid on the Archive and Purge window. The Add Restriction link opens a Restriction Entry popup window where you can select a Criteria Type and choose the codes.

Note: The available selections for the Criteria Type field change depending on the Transaction Type or Types you have marked in the upper part of the Archive and Purge window.

  1. Click the Add Restriction
  2. Select the Criteria Type.
  3. Check the desired Codes of records to be archived.
  4. Click Save & Close or Save & Add on the Restriction Entry

How to Archive Records

After an archive batch is saved successfully, you can archive it.

  1. Locate the archive batch.
  2. Click the Archive link on the Action Menu.
  3. Click OK on the "Are you sure?" popup.

If your setup is correct, the process starts. The status on the window reflects different stages: Scheduled, In Progress, Completed, or Completed with Errors.

At this point, the Edit and Delete buttons on the WebTMA toolbar are disabled.

See the next topic, Archive Results Tab, for information about archived batches. If needed, you can use SQL to query the Archive data base and search through records in archived batches until the archived batch is purged.

Archive Results Tab

Path: Admin > Archive and Results / Results Tab

The read-only Results Tab displays a list of the selected Transaction Types, the archive status, and the number of records of that type that were archived. When the archive batch job process is completed or completed with errors, you can purge any records needed.

Purge Records

Only those who are Granted the User / Privileges labeled Allow Purging of Archived Records are allowed to purge records. This can be done any time after the archive has been completed.

Purging is not an immediate requirement. Archived records can be retained as long as needed.

How to Purge Archived Batches

If your user record has the Privileges Allow Purging of Archived Records granted, the Purge link on the Action Menu is enabled once batches have been archived.

  1. Locate the archived record to be purged.
  2. Click the Purge link on the Action Menu.

When you click the Purge link, all records associated with that specific archive are removed. The Purge link is disabled, and the record is marked with a Status of Purged.

Remember that purged records are permanently deleted.

Click the Last Modified link on the Action Menu to review the last action taken for the record, when, and by whom.

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