Path: Transactions > Project > Records / Tasks & Resources Tab
In View mode, the Tasks & Resources Tab window displays a list of the tasks needed to complete the project. For long-term projects, add tasks during and after the planning stages, and create work orders from this window when it is time to take action. If preferred, use the Admin > Batch Management > Batch Jobs window to schedule automatic work order generation rather than opening each task to create work orders.
Once resources are assigned or recorded for a specific task they are displayed with the associated line item. Your WebTMA System Administrator determines your Warehouse access privileges. If access is denied, you can see resource line items, but you cannot delete the lines. Click the plus sign next to a task line to see any resources assigned to the task. Click the icon for a read-only detail window.
When you save a task record, it is displayed on the Tasks & Resources Tab. A simple double-click on a Task line converts the task to a work order if required information has been included. WebTMA alerts you if key information is missing.
To track your project in the Microsoft Project application, click the Export For MS Project button. This converts the tasks to an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) format that can be imported into MS Project.
If you have a project that requires similar tasks, resources, and other information, you can copy an existing project in View mode. Simply click Copy on the WebTMA toolbar, and give the copy a new name. Save the copied record, and edit the fields as needed.
For tasks and resources that have Estimated Start dates, WebTMA automatically moves the date forward in time based on the Start Date you enter on the Project / Identity Tab. For example, if the original start date was set at 4/15/15 with a resource line date of 4/30/15 and you enter a new Start Date of 6/15/17 on the copy, WebTMA automatically changes the resource date on the copied record to 6/30/17.