Projects Costs & Budgeting Tab - WebTMA 5

Path: Transactions > Project > Records / Cost & Budgeting

The Costs & Budgeting Tab of the Project window provides a quick view of the expenses for a project. Each project work order and project requisition linked to a project record is displayed on the Costs & Budgeting Tab. The values shown on the Tab are taken directly from the transaction records, i.e., Work Order costs and Project Requisitions, and provide an up-to-the-minute view of expenses based on the information from transactional records. The window respects all authorizations not just estimates.

The Cost columns contain the base costs. The Charge columns contain both the base costs plus any markup, for example from Rate Schedules. Scroll across the grid to see totals of both the Cost columns and the Charge columns as well as and Estimate Total.

Information from project work orders is displayed in the top pane and information from Project Requisitions is displayed in the lower pane. Any costs that are rolled up are from Project Requisitions and Work Orders. Related Purchase Orders are displayed on the read-only Linked POs Tab. Costs are not rolled up for project POs.*

When actual costs (expenses) are incurred for each type of transaction, i.e., project work orders, purchase orders, and project requisitions, the actual cost totals of those amounts are displayed on this Tab along with the budgeted amounts. If one or more estimates are linked to the project and at least one of the estimates is authorized, the lowest section of the Tab displays a set of Subtabs to include an estimate line and estimate comparison to actual costs. The window respects all authorizations not just estimates. 

For records that do not have authorized estimates attached to them, an Estimate field displays a read-only calculation of Simple Estimates. This is the calculation of the Est Total field on the work order grid, and the Est. Cost field of the Purchase Requisition grid. When the Include Sub-Projects check box is checked, Work Orders linked to Sub-Projects are included in the Work Order grid and the Estimate field is updated accordingly. The Estimates field is not visible on Project records with authorized Estimates attached.

When Projects have authorized Estimates attached, the calculation of the estimate is different. Est. Costs for authorized Project Requisitions and Project Requisitions that do not require authorization are included in the Other Estimate column. Est. Costs for unauthorized Project Requisitions are not included in the Other Estimate column but are shown in the Project Requisition grid.

If the Project Requisition does not require Authorization or if the Project Requisition has been authorized, the requisition's estimated cost is included in the Other cost field on the Estimate row. In all other cases, the cost is not added to the bottom cost fields; however, it shows up in the Project Requisition grid as an Est. Cost.

* Your WebTMA System Administrator can elect to include PO Costs on this Tab.

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