Projects How To - WebTMA 5

How to Add Projects

Path: Transactions > Projects > Records / Identity

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Type the Project # if your organization does not use auto-numbering for projects.
  3. Enter the Name of the project.
  4. Accept the Date Requested (default is the current system date) or change if desired.
  5. Type or select the Type.
  6. Click the Repair Centers Tab and select affiliated repair centers.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA Toolbar to save the project record.

The fields mentioned in this topic include only the default required fields.

For basic projects, start creating work orders as soon as you save the project. Remember to specify the work order type as a Project on the new work orders.

Advanced projects use other Tabs on the Project window, such as Costs & Budgeting or Tasks & Resources.

How to Add Budget Amounts to Projects

Path: Transactions > Project > Records / Cost & Budgeting

The Costs & Budgeting Tab has three fields available for you to enter budget information. These are the first row of fields at the bottom of the window.

Recording budget information is optional. If budget information is available, it should be entered on this Tab. In addition, you can roll up the costs of affiliated sub projects by clicking the Include Sub Projects check box.

To add this information:

  1. Locate the desired record.
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Enter information in the Budget line for Labor, Parts, and/or Other fields.
  4. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

How to Add Project Requisitions

Path: Transactions > Project > Project Requisitions / Identity Tab

Follow these steps to create and save a requisition for project purchases.

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Type or select the required fields.
  3. Complete elective fields as needed.
  4. Click the Add Item link on the grid.
  5. Complete the Project Requisition Item Entry window. The Item Description field is a free-form text field to describe the item in detail.
  6. Click the Save button on the Project Requisition Item Entry window.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the Project Requisition.

How to Add Project Task Resources

Path: Transactions > Project > Records / Task & Resources Tab

As soon as you create a task line, you can add needed resources. If more resources are needed later, edit the task line to include them.

  1. If not in Edit mode, click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Click the Plus + button of the desired task line.
  3. Click the Add Resource link on the expanded grid.
  4. Choose the desired radio button (Labor, Material, or Other).
  5. Complete the related fields as needed. These change depending on the radio button selected.
  6. Click the Save button on the Project Resource Entry window.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

When the Task is converted to a work order, Project Resources display on the Work Order / Schedule Tab-Required Resources/Parts Subtab.

How to Add Project Tasks

Path: Transactions > Project > Records / Tasks & Resources Tab–Estimate & Actual Dates Subtab

The Task Entry window is divided into three Subtabs: Estimate & Actual Dates, Comments, and Work Order. In the planning stages, you may prefer to add the required Name and Description without completing any other fields. However, more information is required to convert the task to a work order.

From the Tasks & Resources Tab for the desired project:

  1. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Click the Add Task link to open the Task Entry window.
  3. Type the Name of the task.
  4. Enter a Description of the task in the free-form text field.
  5. Complete as many of the elective fields on all three Subtabs as needed.
  6. Click the Save button on the window.**
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.

** Use the Save button features to Save & Clone or Save & Add to continue adding tasks.

Edit the task line when it is time to take action if you have saved a task with the minimum required information. Be sure to include the Work Order Type, Repair Center, Item/Location, and Task. WebTMA cannot convert the task to a work order until this information is present. Other elective fields can also be completed at the same time.

Prerequisite Tasks are created when you link tasks using the Project > Gantt window. Prerequisite project tasks are any tasks that must be completed and the associated work order must be closed before the next task can begin. The field is enabled after you have saved a Task and then add another.

If you want to use the automatic notification set up in Organization > Repair Center > Records / Project Email Tab for task status changes, be sure to add at least one address to the E-mail field on the Task Entry window. Full information about these automatic messages is found in Project Email Tab.

NOTE:  If you enter a Task code that has a default Trade, WebTMA completes the Trade field automatically. If you enter the Trade before entering the Task, WebTMA does not override the Trade.

How to Edit Project Tasks

Path: Transactions > Project > Records / Tasks & Resources Tab

If you have saved a task with the minimum required Name and Description fields, you can edit the task and add the information needed to convert the task to a work order. To convert a task, the following information is required: Work Order Type, Repair Center, Item/Location, and Task.

Once converted, you can edit the fields on the Estimate & Actual Dates Subtab. Many fields on the Task Entry window are read-only after it has been converted.

  1. Locate the desired project and task.
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Click the pencil icon on the line item to edit the task.
  4. Make the needed additions. 
  5. Click the Save button on the window.
  6. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

When sufficient information is added to the saved task, double-click the task line on the Task & Resources window to convert. WebTMA alerts you if information is missing.

How to Authorize Projects

Path: Transactions > Projects > Records / Identity

By default, project authorization is not required. However, if any of the affiliated repair centers have the WO Authorization Required check box marked, the project must be authorized.

The person logged in needs the appropriate access and authorization limit. Contact your WebTMA System Administrator regarding electronic authorization and the corresponding limits.

Projects are authorized in View mode:

  1. Locate the project record.
  2. Click the Authorize link on the Action Menu.
  3. Type the Amount up to and Authorization Date. The amount is the maximum value authorized for the project.
  4. Click Save on the Authorization popup to accept the authorization.

The Authorized By field on this window is read-only. It shows the user who is logged in.

NOTE:  If you use the optional Approval Routing module, the approval process you established within the module applies to the project as far as authorization is concerned.

How to Authorize Project Requisitions

Authorization may be required if your organization uses the WebTMA Approval Routing module or if the Repair Center requires authorization. Authorizers must have permission granted from Admin > User Management > Records.

From the Project Requisition record in View mode:

  1. Click the Authorize link on the Action Menu to open the Authorization popup.
  2. Enter the maximum amount authorized for this project requisition in the Amount up to field.
  3. (Optional) Change the Authorization Date/time if needed.
  4. Click the Save button on the popup window.

If you want to review or change the authorization, click the Authorize link in View mode once again.

How to Convert Project Tasks to Work Orders

Path: Transactions > Project > Records / Tasks & Resources Tab

To convert a task, double-click the Task line in View mode.

If any of the required information is missing (Work Order Type, Repair Center, Item/Location, or Task) WebTMA alerts you.

To add missing information, Edit the Project Task and save the record. When you double-click the line, WebTMA makes the conversion and opens the new work order record in Add mode.

Make any desired additions to the work order and save.

How to Select Project Browse Criteria

Path: Transactions > Project > Project Browse

The Project Browse Query window opens when you select Project > Project Browse. Set your search criteria on this window to generate a browse list.

  1. Follow the menu path to open the window.
  2. Select the search criteria on the Project Browse Query window.
  3. Click the List Projects button on the window to start the search and close the Project Browse Query window.

When the search is complete, the records that match your criteria are displayed in the Project Browse window.



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