Path: Admin > User Management > Requestors
Requestor licenses give a user access to the Work Request windows. These are the same as Request Log and Request Log B windows in the full application. Users with a requestor login are allowed to submit requests from these windows. Personnel with Requestor logins do not have access to the full WebTMA application.
Records for those who are granted requestor status are set up using the Requestors window. Then, the WebTMA System Administrator assigns the login, role, grants preferences, privileges, and access or assigns a Group from Admin > User Management > Records.
You have several options for Requestor login. See Login without ID and Password on page 2 to learn how to give requestors a special URL that does not require an ID and Password. The topic Limited Login for Requestors on page 3 describes other windows that may be used by Requestors. WebTMA also supports LDAP authentication for requestors.
The information on the Requestors window is different from technician records. Although it includes details such as license, badge number, and address, it does not include personnel information such as pay rate and employment date.
If you use the Reservation and Rental modules, requestor information is automatically inserted in the Reservation and Rental windows when you complete the Requestor field on those windows.
WebTMA Enterprise users that have the CAFM module see an Action Menu link named Transfer History. This is used with the Move Manager functionality. When you click this link, the Transfer History window displays both old and new location details if the requestor has been involved in a move from one place to another.
Requestors Identity Tab
Path: Admin > User Management > Requestors / Identity Tab
These records can be edited similar to other records in WebTMA. Do not delete the records unless they have never been associated with any other WebTMA record. You can make a requestor inactive (clear the Active check box). When a requestor is inactive, his or her name does not appear on selection lists, and the requestor cannot log in to the system.
Once you have created a Requestor record, go to User Management > Records / Identity Tab follow the instructions for How to Add User Records on page 39 and How to Add LDAP Users on page 40.
Subtabs on the window are used to record other contact information such as work, personal, and emergency. The fields on the Subtabs are self-evident. The following lines define the fields and check boxes on the Identity Tab and the Location Subtab.
Requestors Repair Centers Tab
In Edit mode, add the repair centers that can see the requestor.
This does not grant permission to the requestor, it only allows users throughout the application to see the requestor's name on selection lists.
Requestors Assigned Items Tab
Path: Admin > User Management > Requestors / Assigned Items Tab
The Assigned Items Tab is used to connect items with a Requestor. The list on this Tab represents an inventory of items that belong to the occupant of a space.
In addition to Assets, the Item Selection window includes options for other types of items in the WebTMA database.
If you change the requestor’s Location ID on the Identity Tab in Edit mode, all assigned items can assume the Location ID of the new location. See How to Reassign Requestor’s Items on the next page for more information.
How to Add Assigned Items to Requestors
From the desired Requestor record:
- Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Click the Assigned Items
- Click the Add Item link at the top of the grid.
- Select items from the Item Selection popup window.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
To remove line items from the window, click the trash can icon in Edit mode or click several lines and use the Delete Selected button below the grid.
How to Reassign Requestor’s Items
Automatic reassignment applies only to edited requestor records. This occurs when you change the Location ID on the Requestors / Identity Tab and click Save on the WebTMA toolbar. You are prompted to choose whether to move all the assigned items to the new location as well.
To transfer the items automatically:
- Click OK on the Change Item Locations prompt,
- Select a Technician on the Technician Entry popup (required). If no technician is entered and you save or close the popup, no transfer occurs.
- Click Save on the Technician Entry
WebTMA does the following:
- edits and changes the Location ID of each item to the new location
- creates transfer records for each item type
- displays the new location in the Location column on the Assigned Items Tab