Defaults Tab - WebTMA 5

Path: Admin > User Management > Records / Defaults Tab

To save time when the user creates work orders or records time, set some of the values on the Defaults Tab. The values established populate fields on the On-hand Adjustment, Purchase Order, Receivings, Work Order, Quick Work Order, Quick Post Time and Labor, Request Log, and other windows; however, users can always change the default when needed. These are simply the values used most often by this user.

Not all windows and fields are available for default settings.

The rules to default a global technician assignment on Quick Post windows are as follows:

  1. If the logged in user does not have a global technician designated, the technician defaults to the work order’s scheduled technician.
  2. If a Global Tech has been set up:

     2.1 If the WO is not yet scheduled, the default tech is the Global Tech.

     2.2 If the WO has been scheduled:

b.1 If one of the multiple technicians scheduled to the WO is also the Global Technician, default to Global Tech.

b.2 If no Global Tech is found, default to the WO’s scheduled technician

How to Set User Defaults

Path: Admin > User Management > Records / Defaults Tab

The selections for defaults fields are restricted to a few windows and a limited number of fields. However, they can save data entry time for regular users. To add default values to a user management record:

  1. Click the Defaults Tab of the desired record.
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Click the Add Default Value link at the top of the grid.
  4. Click the down arrows to make selections for the Window, Page, Control, and Value
  5. Click Save on the Defaults Entry
  6. (Optional) Repeat steps 3-5 to add more defaults.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

Once you have added defaults, you can edit or remove the default lines in Edit mode by clicking the pencil icon (to edit) or the trash can icon (to delete) on a line item.

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