Path: Admin > User Management > Records / Window Access Tab
The Window Access Tab allows you to limit the user's view to specific menus and windows.
In addition, you can set the default view or opening mode for some windows.
The Open Mode selections are also visible on the Groups window and can include: Identity, Add, Browse, and Last Record. Not all selections are available; it varies by the window chosen. Select Browse to open the window with the Browse Tab displayed. Select Last Record to go to the last record according to the navigate function for that window; this is the same as clicking Last on the toolbar. The Open Mode selections are only applicable when a window is first opened.
Permission to make changes to this window should be limited to WebTMA Administrators; however, if Users have access to the window, any modifications they make are limited to those they have been granted. For example, if User 1 attempts to Grant access to User 2 for which User 1 is denied, the only option available is Deny.
The window shows a tree list of the main menu options such as Admin, Organization, and Transaction. A series of check boxes on each line indicates whether the user has been granted access for various modes (Add, Edit, etc.) or has inherited settings from a group.
Use the buttons above the grid to grant or deny different combinations of access to all options at one time. Individual line items can be changed as needed. The next topic, Window Access Assignment Buttons, describes the use of each button.
Be sure to click the plus sign next to a menu name to view related submenus and access granted.
An X mark in the check box indicates the user has no access to the menu or to some of the access related to the window such as Add, Edit, and Delete.
A check mark in the box shows that access to the menu has been granted.
A blank check box means that the user does not have access, but the options could be granted to the user.
You can change access on an individual basis regardless of inherited settings.
Be sure to expand the tree to see any other line item restrictions.
Window Access Assignment Buttons
With a click of your mouse in Add or Edit mode, you can mark all the check boxes to grant or limit Window Access for all users including Administrators, Users, Requestors, Technicians, and Contractors.
The following list defines the effects of each button.
Click to check every check box for all columns at all levels. |
Click to check the boxes in the View, Add, and Edit columns. The Delete column remains blank. |
Click to check the View column. All other columns are blank. |
Click to check the View and Add columns. |
Click to check the View and Edit columns. |
Click to check the View and Delete columns. |
Click to clear marks (both and ) from all check boxes. |
Click to mark all check boxes with an . |
Use of these global settings allows you to mark all check boxes quickly and then make changes where needed.
How to Add Window Access to a User
If you want to add or change some of the menu and window access for a user:
- Click the Window Access Tab for the desired user.
- Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Click the button of your choice to mark all check boxes of your choice.
- Click the plus sign of a Menu Name to expand the view to the submenus.
- Click repeatedly to change choices for any check box.
- Scroll down to look for other options in the Open Mode
- Click the down arrow in the available fields to select a different opening option such as Add Mode or Browse Tab.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar when you have completed window access assignments.