Path: Admin > Client Info / Password Tab
Set all password values and the default password e-mail address on the Client Info / Password Tab.
Minimum Password Length. Enter the number of characters required to establish a WebTMA Password.
Maximum Password Age (Days). Enter the maximum number of days allowed before users must change their password.
Minimum Password Age (Days). Enter the number of days that must elapse before users can change their password. This prevents users from rapidly cycling passwords with the intent of fulfilling the Password History Count so they can get back to their original password. With a Minimum Password Age, the user must wait at least the minimum number of days before they can change the password.
Default Password Email. Add a valid address where new passwords are sent by default. This applies when the user does not have a valid e-mail address and uses the Lost Password feature.
Password History Count. Set a number to determine how far back to track the user password history. When a user enters a new password, it is checked against the user's history to ensure that the same or similar password has not been reused within the password history count. This prevents a user from changing back and forth between two passwords when one expires.
Expiration Notice Days. Enter the number of days in advance to notify the password holder that the password will expire.
Password Complexity Required. Mark this check box to require some combination of alpha, numeric, upper case/lower case, special, or unique characters in a WebTMA Password.
Password Does Not Expire. Mark this check box if users never have to change their password.
Show Forgot Password Link. To prevent use of the I forgot my password link on the Login window, clear this check box.
Password Message. Add instructions in the Password Message free-form text field. This message displays on the window that opens when users click the I forgot my password link on the Login window.