Batch Job Entry - WebTMA 5

Path: Admin > Batch Management

The Batch Management window is used to schedule and review various actions such as posting charges and generating PM work orders.

Whether you can see the Add Batch Job section of the window depends on your User access. Users with Edit permission see this section at the top of the page. Users with View-only permission are limited to querying for existing jobs and cannot see the links to establish new batch jobs.

The links that are available depend on the version and on the optional modules used by your organization. Information on how to use the resulting windows is found in the next topic.

Using Batch Job Entry

The Batch Job Entry window opens when you click a link in the Add Batch Job section of the window Batch Management window. The first page is identical regardless of the type of batch job to be generated.

Enter the Start At date and time in the first field on the Batch Job Entry window. Batch jobs are only generated at a time in the future. If you want to generate the job immediately, be sure to set the time a few minutes ahead to allow you to complete the other Batch Job Entry pages.

Use the Subtabs on this window to enter additional information such as the e-mail addresses of people who need to know when the batch job runs.

If this is a regular batch job, click the Recurring Batch Job check box and establish the frequency interval such as every 30 days or every 3 months. If you opt to use the recurring feature, the Manual Selection feature is not available. Depending on the type of job, you may have other fields available when you mark the Recurring Batch Job check box.

Click the Next button on the Batch Job Entry window. The next Batch Job Entry page allows you to specify the records to be included in the batch job. This window changes in options depending on the type of job, i.e., post charges, post projects, etc. The screenshot below illustrates the PM Generation options.

For PM batch jobs, the Due Last Day of Month check box in the Generation Options section can be used with the Regulatory and Due Every fields in cases where PMs on specific items are required by a regulatory agency.

Note that when the Due Last Day of Month check box is marked, the related PM work order task due date is automatically set to the last day of the month.

Most batch jobs are Automatic Selection. If you want to run an immediate batch job in the next batch job poll, mark the Manual Selection radio button. The job will run regardless of the Start Date. The Start Date only applies to Automatic Selection.

For Enterprise users that take advantage of the Pending Charges Dispute feature, two check boxes on the second Batch Job Entry window are important to note. Mark the Notify Customer box to instruct WebTMA to send an email notice to authorized personnel that the batch job is completed. When you check Release to Pending Charges, the batch is marked as Released and authorized personnel can go directly to the Pending Charges Review/Dispute window to see the charges. Both check boxes can be marked. If Release to Pending Charges is not selected, you can review charges from Accounting > Post Charges > Post to General Ledger.

When all selections are made, click the Finish button on the window.

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