WebTMA GO QP Labor - WebTMA 5

Path: Main Menu > Quick Post > QP Labor–New

The only work orders available for posting labor are those that you have downloaded to the device. For QP Labor, Parts, and Other, if the task is not authorized or is pending authorization, it does not show up in the drop-down list. Multi-task work orders are not removed from the list when some tasks remain to be authorized.

This window can be opened from either the menu option or the work order to record time spent on a work order; however, the check boxes are only visible if the window is opened directly from the menu. Moreover, if the labor line has been saved to the server, the Finish Task and Close Task check boxes are hidden on this window as well. Finishing or closing tasks should be done from the Work Order / Task window in WebTMA GO.

The option to Close Schedule remains available. When Close Schedule is checked and the labor line is saved, the schedule for the technician is closed for that task.

For single-task work orders, WebTMA GO automatically populates the Task code. Multi-task work orders require a Task selection.

If all checks must be made before closing or finishing a work order (set from Admin > Client Info / Preferences) and some or all of the checks have not been marked, the Finish Task and Close Task check boxes are disabled (dimmed).

When you enter the work order number, the Time Type field is populated by default from the Repair Center record. The Trade field displays the trade assigned to the Task; however, if the Task does not have a designated Trade, WebTMA GO uses the preferred Trade from the Technician’s record.

If you use the Timer, the window opens automatically when you turn off the Timer from the work order Task window.

If the Technician record in WebTMA includes an Account #, the field is automatically populated in WebTMA GO when you open the QP Labor window. If your WebTMA System Administrator has disabled the Account # field using Form Attributes, this forces the server application to populate the field when the record is uploaded to WebTMA.

You have the option to add both Tech Comments and Labor Comments. The Tech Comments are shared with users. The Labor Comments are justification for the work, such as overtime.

Be sure to tap the Save button on the QP Labor window to record your hours.

If you use WebTMA Enterprise, your WebTMA System Administrator has the option to make settings that allow available Time Types to be filtered by Work Groups when you add Labor.

IMPORTANT: The technician's record can force use of the timer from Admin > User Management > Records / Mobile Access-Auxiliary Subtab. When Mobile Timer Only is marked True, the technician is required to use the Timer. When True, the Hours field in WebTMA GO is disabled for Direct labor entry, i.e., time related to a work order. If the Time Type on the QP Labor window is for Direct labor and a work order number is entered, the Hours field is disabled. If no work order is selected or an Indirect labor time type (training, meetings, etc.) is selected, the field is enabled. When the Mobile Timer Only field is False or empty, the Hours field is always enabled.

Indirect Labor in Quick Post

When you click the New  button on the QP Labor Listing window, the following fields are shown as required: Work Order #, Task, Trade, Time Type, and Hours. However, Indirect labor is not related to work orders. This also applies to the Tech Comments field that is disabled for Indirect labor. Add any needed comments to the Labor Comments field when you have Indirect labor.

Simply select the required Time Type first, and the Work Order # and Task fields are no longer required. Then the record can be saved without a problem.

How to Add Quick Post Records

To add your information, such as time expended on a work order:

  1. Tap the New button at the top right of the list window.
  2. Complete the required and any elective fields needed.
  3. Tap Save on the title bar.
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