Weather - WebTMA 5

Path: Organization > Utility > Weather

The Weather window show temperature fluctuations during a month to provide information for analysis of the number of heating or cooling degrees each day and month compared to a base temperature.

If you import NOAA data, values are updated on a regular basis.

Both NOAA and your own weather station locations are established in Organization > Lookups > Weather Stations. When you use NOAA, the data can be imported. Values for your own stations must be entered manually.

Weather Window Fields

The following fields are required when you create a new Weather window record.

Base Temperature – The standard inside temperature to be maintained. The Heating and Cooling degrees are compared to this number.

Year – The year for which the temperatures are recorded.

Month – The month for which you are recording temperature fluctuations.

Station – The Code created from Organization > Lookups > Weather Station. When selected, the Description from the Lookup populates the adjacent field.

The following read-only fields are calculated when you save entries for daily Heating Degrees or Cooling Degrees.

Total Heating – The total number of heating degrees entered for the month. This number changes as more degrees are added during the month.

Total Cooling – The total number of cooling degrees entered for the month. This number changes as more degrees are added during the month.

Mean Temperature – The average outside temperature based on the cooling and heating degrees entered.

How to Enter Data on the Weather Window

This process is required if you use your own weather station. If you use NOAA stations, the values are imported by WebTMA.

The following instructions apply to adding a new record. Once established, follow steps 3 through 7 in Edit mode to add more data.

From the Weather window:

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Complete the required fields defined in Weather Window Fields on the previous page.
  3. Click the Add Weather Reading link at the top of the grid to open the Weather Reading
  4. Enter the Day of the month (1, 2, 3, etc.).
  5. Type known values in the window. Note: In either the Heating Degrees or Cooling Degrees fields, enter the difference between the outside temperature and the Base Temperature. For example, if the outside temperature is 75 and the base is 65, enter 10 in the Cooling Degrees If the outside temperature is 40 and the base is 65, enter 25 in the Heating Degrees field.
  6. Click the Save button on the popup.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
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