Utility Ticket - WebTMA 5

Path: Organization > Utility > Utility Ticket

Use the Utility Ticket window to record bills for utility services used.

Whether you bill by Building or use virtual meters to calculate the proportion of utility costs, the Utility Ticket window is the way to bill to one or more accounts.

WebTMA offers the option to specify a single Charge Account on the Identity Tab or to leave the field blank and divide the charges among several accounts on the Billing Info Tab. If you click the Charge check box, the Credit Account is required and the charge is associated with the account number selected.

If charges are subject to tax, mark the Taxable check box and select the Tax Name in the field above. The field label at the lower left changes to reflect the name of the tax selected.

The Usage Unit field is read-only and displays the Unit of Measure of the Service Type. This comes from the Lookups > Utility Service window.

The Demand Unit defines the measurement of Utility Demand and is selected from the list entered in Lookups > Unit Of Measure.

The Repair Center field options are filtered by both User access and Utility Meter. The only repair center selections available for this field are those linked to the meter shown in the Utility Meter field to which the User had access. In Add mode, field selections are not enabled until you choose a Utility Meter.

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