Path: Organization > Lookups / Utility Service
Utility Types are set up in Organization > Lookups / Utility Service. Use the Lookup window to establish as much information about the utility as available.
Path: Organization > Utility > Utility Transformer
Use the Utility Transformer window to store location and energy usage information for individual transformers in your organization. This information is for tracking purposes only.
To add a transformer, follow these instructions:
- Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Type a unique Code up to six (6) characters to identify the unit.
- Type a Description of the transformer.
- Type the Capacity of the transformer.
- Type the Load Factor. This is a percentage.
- Add Location
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
If needed, click the Comments Tab and add relevant details about the transformer before saving the record.
Weather Station
Path: Organization > Lookups > Weather Station
Use this Lookup window to establish the weather monitoring stations for your organization.
You can create your own stations and/or import NOAA weather stations. Your own stations require manual data entry; however, NOAA data can be imported on a regular basis. For convenience, use the Filter fields at the top of the window to search for desired stations.
To add NOAA Weather Stations:
- Click Import NOAA Weather Station on the Action menu.
- Check the line items you want to add.
- Click the Add Selected button on the Import NOAA Station popup.*
The selected lines display on the Browse Tab.
* If you click the Add w/ Readings button, WebTMA imports the selected stations and automatically creates a pending batch job to import all weather readings. See the next topic, Import Weather Data, for more information about batch imports of weather data.
Import Weather Data
Once you have a NOAA Weather Station imported, you need data. By default, the imported data starts with the current date. A link on the Admin > Client Info–Action Menu allows you to set an earlier import date.
- Go to Admin > Client Info.
- Click the Import Weather link on the Action Menu.
- Select the Import Start Date on the Import Weather
- Click the Save button on the popup.
When you have imported the NOAA Station and selected a start date, go to Admin > Batch Management > Batch Jobs to import the weather data from NOAA:
- Close the Batch Job Query popup window.
- Click the Add Weather Import
- Complete the Batch Job Entry Note: WebTMA refreshes the NOAA table daily. Choose a recurrence frequency based on your needs (daily, weekly, etc.).
- Click the Next button at the lower right.
- Click the Finish button at the upper right.
After the batch job runs, you can see the imported NOAA Data on the Utility > Weather window.
If you use the Add w/ Readings button, WebTMA automatically creates a pending batch job to import all prior weather readings. When you have recurring batch jobs, for example to update weekly readings, as well as a batch job to import all prior readings, the “import all” job is run first, then the recurring jobs are run.