Utility Setup - WebTMA 5

Path: Organization > Lookups / Utility Service

Utility Types are set up in Organization > Lookups / Utility Service. Use the Lookup window to establish as much information about the utility as available.


Path: Organization > Utility > Utility Transformer

Use the Utility Transformer window to store location and energy usage information for individual transformers in your organization. This information is for tracking purposes only.

To add a transformer, follow these instructions:

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Type a unique Code up to six (6) characters to identify the unit.
  3. Type a Description of the transformer.
  4. Type the Capacity of the transformer.
  5. Type the Load Factor. This is a percentage.
  6. Add Location
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

If needed, click the Comments Tab and add relevant details about the transformer before saving the record.

Weather Station

Path: Organization > Lookups > Weather Station

Use this Lookup window to establish the weather monitoring stations for your organization.

You can create your own stations and/or import NOAA weather stations. Your own stations require manual data entry; however, NOAA data can be imported on a regular basis. For convenience, use the Filter fields at the top of the window to search for desired stations.

To add NOAA Weather Stations:

  1. Click Import NOAA Weather Station on the Action menu.
  2. Check the line items you want to add.
  3. Click the Add Selected button on the Import NOAA Station popup.*

The selected lines display on the Browse Tab.

* If you click the Add w/ Readings button, WebTMA imports the selected stations and automatically creates a pending batch job to import all weather readings. See the next topic, Import Weather Data, for more information about batch imports of weather data.

Import Weather Data

Once you have a NOAA Weather Station imported, you need data. By default, the imported data starts with the current date. A link on the Admin > Client Info–Action Menu allows you to set an earlier import date.

  1. Go to Admin > Client Info.
  2. Click the Import Weather link on the Action Menu.
  3. Select the Import Start Date on the Import Weather
  4. Click the Save button on the popup.

When you have imported the NOAA Station and selected a start date, go to Admin > Batch Management > Batch Jobs to import the weather data from NOAA:

  1. Close the Batch Job Query popup window.
  2. Click the Add Weather Import
  3. Complete the Batch Job Entry Note: WebTMA refreshes the NOAA table daily. Choose a recurrence frequency based on your needs (daily, weekly, etc.).
  4. Click the Next button at the lower right.
  5. Click the Finish button at the upper right.

After the batch job runs, you can see the imported NOAA Data on the Utility > Weather window.

If you use the Add w/ Readings button, WebTMA automatically creates a pending batch job to import all prior weather readings. When you have recurring batch jobs, for example to update weekly readings, as well as a batch job to import all prior readings, the “import all” job is run first, then the recurring jobs are run.

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