Request for Quote - WebTMA 5

Path: Material > Purchase > Request for Quote / Identity Tab

Use Request for Quote to obtain price quotations from multiple vendors. As quotes arrive, you can add quoted prices and comments to the lines for each vendor. Once all quotes are received, recorded, and compared, you can decide which vendor's quote should be used for the purchase requisition or purchase order.

Add Vendor line items to the upper grid along with an Original RFQ line. Use the Unit Cost field on vendor line items to add the quoted price from each vendor.

The Original RFQ is always required. Use this line to add all the items for which you want quotes and distributions. If a quote item is intended for existing work orders, use the Add Distribution link to include details to the Original RFQ. The Add Distribution link is only visible when you select the Original RFQ.

When you have the desired quote, select the best quote line, and click the Convert link on the Action Menu.

Note: To convert all the part lines, do not check any. To convert some of the part lines, check the ones that apply.

If the item on the Original RFQ has a distribution line, it is carried over to the converted record, and the distribution balance is set to zero on the RFQ when the line is converted.

A list of any distributions displays on the Distribution Tab with links to the associated work orders. The PRs and POs Tabs display the requisition number or purchase order number when an RFQ is converted.

Additional Tabs on the Request for Quote window are used by other functions in WebTMA. An explanation of these shared Tabs is found in the separate Help > Help Page > Common Functions document.

How to Add Items to a Request for Quote

Path: Material > Purchase > Request for Quote / Identity Tab

Items and distributions can only be added when the Original RFQ line is selected. Follow these instructions to complete the item section and add distributions in Add or Edit mode.

  1. Select the Original RFQ line in the upper grid.
  2. Click the Add Item link in the lower grid to open the Quote Item Entry popup.
  3. Accept the default Part radio button selection. See Caution below about OTP. 
  4. Complete the other fields on the Quote Item Entry popup. The free-form Comments field is for information only and does not appear in any reports.

    If this RFQ has a repair center selected, the default list of available parts is limited to parts designated for that repair center.

  5. (Optional) Click the BtnPlusSignSerial sign next to a line item to see the Add Distribution link and complete the Distribution Entry window.
  6. Click the Save button option of your choice on the window, and close the window when all items added.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

cauton_icon.pngOTPs are items your organization never stocks. They are not tracked or considered beyond receiving on a Purchase Order or distribution to a Work Order from a Purchase Order. If you need specific tracking for an OTP, create a part record or a maintenance-worthy item record for the item.

Standing Purchase Orders and RFQ

Path: Materials > Purchases > Request for Quote

In WebTMA, a Standing Purchase Order (SPO) is an agreement with the vendor to provide parts at a quoted price. During the life of the SPO, the price can be changed.

SPO agreements are used to eliminate issuing a new purchase order every time purchases are made from the vendor. Different line items on the RFQ can have different SPO numbers.

Since the SPO is set up entirely from the Request for Quotations window, you can:

  • Add or delete lines from the quote
  • Change the expiration date
  • Change the price after vendor prices are entered and a PO issued

IMPORTANT: SPOs must be converted directly from the RFQ to a Purchase Order. If you convert to a purchase request, all SPO information is lost, and the PO converted from a PR will be an ordinary purchase order.

Create the SPO number when you add a Vendor using the Quote Vendor Entry popup. The SPO quote can be converted to this purchase order number more than once. If the Quote Vendor Entry popup includes an expiration date, it applies to the SPO. During conversion WebTMA checks the date and notifies you when a quote has expired; however, you have an option to continue converting to a PO.

Reorders using an SPO can be generated using the Stock Replenishment Wizard (SRW) as well as the Request for Quotations window.

Other Request for Quote Window Features

Path: Material > Purchase > Request for Quote

Other Tabs and links on the Request for Quote window serve the following purposes:

PRs Tab and POs Tab

Use the read-only PRs and POs Tabs to review any line items that have been converted to a purchase requisition or a purchase order.

Distribution Tab

Look to the Distribution Tab to review the details and work order number for line items that will be distributed.

Last Modified Link on Action Menu

Click the link to view creation and modification dates as well as the name of the creator and modifier.

Tracking Link on Action Menu

Click this link to view dates when actions are taken regarding the request for quote.


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