Work Order Queue in mobileTMA GO for Android - WebTMA 5

Path: Menu > Work Order > Work Order Queue

Your WebTMA System Administrator creates Queries from the Work Order / Browse Tab and assigns them to various Trades. If the person who is logged in to mobileTMA GO matches the specifics for the query, work orders that fit the profile are listed on the Work Order Queue window. This is the same process used for the Technician Login module where the technician logs in from a browser described in Help > Help Page > Technician Login.

Tap WO Queue on the Work Order menu to open the list window. Tap Refresh to populate the window with a list of work orders for your trade or trades.

Tap any line of interest to see details about the work order. If desired, you can assign the work order to yourself using the Assign To Myself check box that displays at the top of the window.

How to Use Work Order Queue

Path: Menu > Work Order > Work Order Queue

The window is clear until you tap Refresh to populate it. If you use color to indicate Priority, the WO # line is highlighted in the appropriate color. To review unassigned work orders and self-assign:

  1. Tap Refresh.
  2. Scroll through the list of unassigned work orders.
  3. Tap a line to review a work order.
  4. Check the Assign To Myself box at the top of the window if you wish to work on this job. The window automatically extends to display more fields.
  5. Accept or complete the fields as needed.
  6. Tap Save at the upper right of the window.

To perform the work, go to the Work Order window where the newly assigned work order is marked with a blue orb on the right. This indicates the work order has not been viewed by the technician from the Work Order window.

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