List Windows in mobileTMA GO for Android - WebTMA 5

Most modules in mobileTMA GO open with a list page where you can view a list of records, such as the Work Order or Request Log windows.

Except for the Work Order window that displays a list of work orders assigned to the logged in technician, these windows typically do not have a list of records when first opened.

If you add records, the new records display on the list and remain for 24 hours after upload. If they cannot be uploaded, they remain on the page until deleted by clearing the record from Data Manager or the problem is solved.

The search field at the top of the window is used to look for existing items in the list.

Look to the lower right corner of all list pages for a label displayed in blue Btn_mGO_7_14Records.png. This indicates the number of records in the list.

Tapping the Refresh button also reloads work orders that have been closed on the WebTMA server but are still loaded on your device. This insures that you have the latest work order information available.

Configure List Window

Tap the Options vertical ellipsis on the title bar to see options available for the window. Most will include a Configure option, which allows you to choose the details and how they show up on the list window. For example, if you want to see the most recent items at the top of the page, locate the relevant Date section on the Configure window and set the Ascend option as OFF.

If you make changes to the Configure window, tap the Done button to save your selections.

NOTE: The selections on the Configure window reflect fields in the module; therefore, they are different for each list window.

Status Symbols in mobileTMA GO

Symbols display on list windows and the title bar of records to indicate the status of a line item:

mGO_7_X_Btn_Exclamation.png  An exclamation mark is an alert that something about the record is incomplete or in error, i.e., it cannot be pushed to the database. Tap the symbol on the title bar of a record to view status messages.

mGO_7_Btn_SyncArrows.png  Two arrows in a sync motion shows the line item is ready to be pushed to the database. If you are connected via WiFi or Cellular, the line is uploaded to the main server as soon as you save a record.

mGO_7_Btn_Cloud.png  A cloud indicates that the record has not been downloaded to the device. This lets you know the information is in the cloud and will be downloaded shortly. For example:

mGO_7_Btn_CheckOnListWindow.png  A check mark indicates the line is in sync with the main server. Records downloaded from the server or saved to the server show this symbol. For example:

mGO_7_X_Btn_Pencil_icon.png A pencil icon on the title bar indicates that the record is currently being edited and is not saved or in sync with the server.

Window Options

Many windows include an Options mGO_7_X_Btn_VerticalEllipsis.png vertical ellipsis. When tapped, mobileTMA GO displays several actions that can be applied to the window or the record that is open. Actions available are different depending on the window.

The Configure option is described in the Configure List Window topic on page 7.

Use caution when selecting Clear. This action removes the displayed lines on a List window from the device. You receive an alert to verify your intention. This action does not delete the records from the main database.

Clear vs. Refresh

Both the Option menus and the Data Manager window offer opportunities to Refresh or Clear data. These actions perform different functions. Clear removes the line or lines from the mobile device. Use Clear to remove any completed jobs when you want to restrict a list to see unfinished jobs.  If you don't want to use Clear to remove all lines, you can Delete on a line-by-line basis.

Using the Refresh option updates static data and adds any new jobs, but it does not remove completed jobs. Completed jobs are removed (cleared) from the device automatically in 24 hours.

Main Menu for mobileTMA GO

The main mobileTMA GO Menu displays lines for the Work Order, Inventory, Buildings, Meters, Data Manager, About, and Logout. If your organization has purchased other modules with mobile options, those also display. Tap menu items to see functions related to the desired category.

Scanning capabilities are available if your Android device has a high-resolution camera.

The Data Manager is used to review completed records, review records to be uploaded, and Refresh static data, i.e., download any changes to records downloaded at login.

Uploads for mobileTMA GO

As soon as you complete and save new or edited records with valid data, the records are automatically uploaded to the server if you are connected to the server via WiFi or Cellular connection. If not currently connected, the items are uploaded when you are in an area where you have an active connection.

Regardless of upload status, saved records remain on the device for 24 hours unless manually removed using either the Clear or Delete actions.

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