Technician Login and Access in mobileTMA GO for iOS - WebTMA 5

Until the WebTMA System Administrator has completed technician records and assigned login ID, password, and mobileTMA GO access to the various windows in WebTMA, an iOS device cannot gain access to WebTMA data. The next topic, mobileTMA GO Access Granted from WebTMA, is for use by WebTMA System Administrators to determine the types and degree of privileges available. A separate mobileTMA Installation document is available as well.

Technicians cannot download data successfully to the device until the technician records are established. Once your System Administrator has made the adjustments to your record, you can download mobileTMA GO from the App store and log in.

mobileTMA GO Access Granted from WebTMA

Path: Admin > User Management > Records / Mobile Access

The WebTMA System Administrator determines the degree of access a technician has when using mobileTMA GO. Permissions available on the Privileges and Preference Tabs are used to expand or restrict security on the handheld device.

Access to the various windows in mobileTMA GO is granted from the User Management / Mobile Access–mobileTMA GO Subtab.

Once the window access is granted, look to the User Management / Mobile Access–Auxiliary Subtab to include permissions that apply to mobileTMA users. Some of these options are duplicated on both the Preferences and Privileges Tabs of the User record. When you change settings on the Auxiliary Subtab, the changes are reflected on the Preferences and Privileges Tabs. If someone else changes settings on the Preferences or Privileges Tabs, the changes are reflected on the Auxiliary Subtab. If your technician does not have all the permissions you granted, be sure to check the Preferences and Privileges Tabs to be sure someone else has not made changes that modify your Auxiliary Subtab settings.

Unless a technician is given permission to modify closed work orders, he or she cannot upload a work order that was closed from WebTMA while being handled in the field. This does not occur often. It applies in cases where a work order is downloaded to a device, and someone that is logged in to WebTMA closes the work order before the technician completes the work. If the technician has the authority to modify closed work orders, information in the closed work order is replaced by the updated information from mobileTMA GO.

Note: One of the fields on the Organization > Repair Center > Technician / Identity Tab is labeled MobileTMA Days. The value in the MobileTMA Days field determines the work orders that are downloaded. The value in this field is the number of days in the future. If the field shows a value of 3, WebTMA downloads work orders for the current day plus the next three days. For example, if the value is 3 and the current day is the 6th, work orders through the 9th are downloaded. If the field is empty, the system automatically downloads work orders for the current day plus the next two days, as if the value in the field were 2.

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