Task Resolution Tab - WebTMA 5

Path: Organization > Task > Records / Resolution Tab

WebTMA gives you the option to note how a work order issue was settled. Entries on this window are required if you mark the Resolution Required check box on the Identity Tab for the task.

Add possible resolutions on this Subtab for technicians to select when the task has been completed. Resolutions are created by your WebTMA System Administrator from Lookups > Resolution with an option to require comments on the work order.

If the Task has Resolution Required, users must select one of the possible resolutions for this task before they can close a work order.

How to Add Simple Resolutions to a Task

Path: Organization > Task > Records / Resolution Tab

Additions to this window are a straightforward selection method. The selections on the Add Resolution window can be filtered by requirement or name in Add or Edit mode.

  1. Click the Add Resolution link at the top of the grid to open the Add Resolution selection window.

    To see Resolutions that do not Require General Comments, select "is false" and click the filter arrow filter_arrow.png. For long lists, select Resolution in the first field, and use the drop-down list of parameters such as "contains", "begins with", and "is equal to". Add the desired parameters in the third field, and click the filter arrow.

  2. Mark the check boxes of the desired resolutions

  3. Click the Add Selected button
  4. Close the Add Resolution popup window.
  5. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
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