Path: Material > Key Management > Interchangeable Core / Identity
The Interchangeable Core window is used by Key Systems that utilize Interchangeable Cores. This record serves as a link between the Key records and Lock records.
As stated previously, both Lock Shop and Key System records are required in order to make use of the Interchangeable Core window. Be sure you have included a Change Key level in your Key System. Only Change Key level keys are available for selection on the Interchangeable Core window.
A Lock can have only one core installed at a time, but a Lock record can change its Core, which also changes its associated Key.
The Interchangeable Core window is used to record basic information about the core, but the Current Installation location and Lock # information are read-only. The association of keys and cores to areas follows this route: Key à Core à Lock à Door à Area.
When a core is created, WebTMA lists it on the Lock Shop / Unassigned Cores Subtab. This makes the core available for selection when you create a new Lock record.
How to Add Interchangeable Cores
Reminder: The availability of Key Systems on this window depends on initial settings on the Key Systems window. If the Interchangeable Core check box is blank on the Key System record, that record is not available for selection on this window. In addition, the Key System must have Change Keys, because these are the only keys that can be selected on the Interchangeable Core window.
- Complete the required fields described above.
- (Optional) Type a Core # if you do not use Auto Core #.
- Add any elective fields needed or available.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.