Path: Material > Key Management > Keys
Use the Keys module to create key records and review the history of a key. If you use Lock Shops, the Code is made up of a combination of values entered in the Lock Shop, Key System, and Key # fields. When Lock Shops are not used, the Code is the same as the Key #.
You can also use Key Management to track keys associated with maintenance-worthy items (MWI) such as vehicles, file cabinets, and desks. See the Access Tab topic below for more information about how this is used and how it affects the Keys window.
Keys Identity Tab
Path: Material > Key Management > Keys / Identity Tab
From the Keys / Identity Tab, key records can be created, stored, and reviewed.
Although the Key Management > Adjustment window is used to create, issue, and amend key quantities, WebTMA maintains a running count of each category and displays the current key balances on the Keys / Identity Tab.
Click the Tabs on the window to review current and historical information about the selected key.
CAUTION: Be aware that your selections on this window cause some fields to be disabled in Edit mode. The disabled fields vary depending on the selections you make.
How to Add a Key Record
Path: Material > Keys > Records / Identity Tab
The required fields are different depending on whether your organization uses Lock Shops.
- Follow the menu path to open the Keys
- Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Complete the required fields (defined in the previous topics, Keys Required Fields with No Lock Shop or Keys Required Fields for Lock Shop) and as many elective fields as needed.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.
If you edit an existing record and change the Lock Shop, the following field values are cleared: Key System, Symbol/Level, Parent Key, Key Bitting, and Repair Center.
How to Create and Destroy Keys
Path: Material > Key Management > Adjustments
Many actions concerning Keys are handled from the Adjustments window (Material > Key Management > Adjustments). Similar to on-hand adjustments in WebTMA, you have the option to select a Code number and complete fields that relate to that code. Create Key is Code 4, and Destroy Key is Code 5.
- Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar from the Adjustments
- Select the Code in the Code field on the Adjustment Entry
- Complete the required and elective fields.
- Click the Save button on the Adjustment Entry
- Select the Technician in the underlying window.
- (Optional) Click the Add Key Adjustment link to make other adjustments.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
How to Issue and Return Keys
Path: Material > Key Management > Adjustments
Many actions concerning Keys are handled from the Adjustments window (Material > Key Management > Adjustments). Similar to on-hand adjustments in WebTMA, you have the option to select a Code number and complete fields that relate to that code. Issue Key is Code 8, and Return Key is Code 9.
- Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar from the Adjustments
- Select the Code in the Code field on the Adjustment Entry
- Complete the required and elective fields.
- Click the Save button on the Adjustment Entry
- Select the Technician in the underlying window.
- (Optional) Click the Add Key Adjustment link to make other adjustments such as adding a Due Date, Pickup Date, or both (Code 1).
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Note the Key Holder Issued button at the far right of the Key Holder line. Click this button after you have selected a Key Holder to see the Key Holder Issued popup window that lists other keys issued to the selected Key Holder.
How to Record Lost and Found Keys
Path: Material > Key Management > Adjustments
Many actions concerning Keys are handled from the Adjustments window (Material > Key Management > Adjustments). Similar to on-hand adjustments in WebTMA, you have the option to select a Code number and complete fields that relate to that code. Lost keys (termed Lose Key) is Code 6, and Find Key is Code 7.
- Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar from the Adjustments
- Select the Code in the Code field on the Adjustment Entry
- Complete the required and elective fields.
- Click the Save button on the Adjustment Entry
- Select the Technician in the underlying window.
- (Optional) Click the Add Key Adjustment link to make other adjustments.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Instances Tab
Path: Material > Key Management > Keys / Instances Tab
The Instances Tab provides a summary of information about the key.
The Cabinet Subtab displays a list of cabinets where the key is stored and the number of keys in the cabinet.
The Key Holder Subtab shows a list of the current key holders. If the key holder has an e-mail address on record, an e-mail icon is available in the first column. Click the icon to send an e-mail to the key holder. This is useful if the holder is late returning the key. Note that this Subtab does not show issued keys that have been reported as lost. Lost keys are not considered to be “issued” keys. This window intentionally does not show return data. It is designed to be a current snapshot of the keys currently issued.
If the key is on a ring, the Key Rings Subtab displays the tag number and description of the key ring as well as the number of copies of this key on the ring, the serial number, and the name of the ring holder.
History Tab
Path: Material > Key Management > Keys / History Tab
The Key History Tab displays information about any transactions involving the key, the locks the key has been used with, and previous key holders. The History Tab displays a list of all key activity. Data is grouped by the holder’s ID, Issue Date, Due Date, Pickup Date, and Return Date; therefore, the same key holder may be listed numerous times if they have received and returned the same key periodically. If a key holder has been issued 10 keys and returns 9, this Subtab shows a quantity of 9, because it does not show keys that are still issued. The window is designed to be a current snapshot of the key issue history. A lost key is considered a returned key. If a client is issued a key and the key is marked as lost, that key displays in the grid on the History Tab.
The Key Management module maintains an ongoing list of keys as they are issued, lost, returned, etc. WebTMA automatically updates the Transaction History Subtab as these actions take place.
The Transaction column may show the word "Historical" in front of the standard transaction type, for example, "Historical – Issue." This indicates that the transaction came from the legacy system and was invalid. While an invalid transaction is recorded on the History Tab, it is not included in Key quantities. Any invalid legacy transaction is shown with the "Historical" prefix, but none of the transactions marked "Historical" are included in Key quantity counts in WebTMA.
Click the Lock History Subtab to see a list of the locks where the key is or has been used.
The Key Holder History Subtab is designed to be a current snapshot of the Key Issue history. Click the Subtab to see a list of key holders that were issued the key in the past. Data is grouped by the holder’s ID, Issue Date, Due Date, Pickup Date, and Return Date; therefore, the same key holder may be listed numerous times if they have received and returned the same key periodically. If a key holder has been issued 10 keys and returns 9, this Subtab shows a quantity of 9, because it does not show keys that are still issued. A lost key is deemed a returned key on this Subtab. If a client is issued a key and the key is marked as lost, that key will show up on the Keys / History Tab–Key Holder Subtab.
Access Tab
Path: Material > Key Management > Keys / Access Tab
Not all keys apply to locations. The WebTMA Key Management system allows you to track keys for maintenance-worthy items (MWI) such as file cabinets, desks, and vehicles. The Access Tab is used solely to list these items and identify them by Lock Code, Lock Description, Location ID of Lock if applicable, and Description.
If the Misc check box is marked on the Keys / Identity Tab, the grid on the Access Tab is enabled and used to record the item or items to which the key applies.
When a key record is marked as Misc, the key is not available for selection on the Locks window. Miscellaneous keys cannot have a Parent key and cannot be selected as a Parent key on another record.
Use the Add Items link on the Access Tab in Edit mode to select the items related to the key.
Once items are associated with a key, you can identify related keys from the item record by clicking the Keys link on the Action Menu of the Area, Asset, Biomed, Entity, Equipment, Facility, Floor, IT Equipment, Linear Asset, Tool, or Vehicle windows. The Associated Keys popup window lists any key records with a clickable link to the Key window.
Sub Keys Tab
Path: Material > Key Management > Keys / Sub Keys Tab
The Sub Keys Tab displays a hierarchical view of any sub keys that are associated with a key. Click the plus sign ( + ) next to a key name to expand the view.
This is similar to other parent-child relationships in WebTMA and is only applicable when the Parent Key # field is completed on other records, which indicates there is a relationship. Click the plus sign ( + ) next to a key name to expand the view.
Select a Sub Key in the hierarchy, and click the Zoom to Selected button on the window to open the Sub Key record in a separate window.
Pre-Authorized Tab
Path: Material > Key Management > Keys / Pre-Authorized Tab
The Pre-Authorized Tab applies if your organization uses Approval Routing to authorize the issuance of keys.
In Edit mode, click the Add Items link to add names to the list of key holders that have been pre-authorized for key issuance. In order for a name to display on this list, the Pre-Authorized check box on the Key Holders window must be marked.
When a key holder's name is selected and shown on the Keys / Pre-Authorized Tab, the key is issued immediately without waiting for approval.