Key Cabinet - WebTMA 5

Path: Material > Key Management > Cabinet

The Cabinet window is an optional record and indicates where unassigned keys are stored. The window is the Key Management equivalent of a warehouse. The grid is read-only since keys and key rings are added or removed using the Key Management > Adjustments window.

Keys in a Cabinet are identified as ‘Remaining’ on the Keys window and can be assigned to a key holder or added to a Key Ring from the Adjustments window.

Once you create a cabinet, go to the Adjustments window (Material > Key Management > Adjustments) to add keys or rings to the cabinet.

CAUTION: When you assign a Lock Shop and Key System, the cabinet is permanently assigned, i.e., in Edit mode, the Lock Shop and Key System fields are locked on the Cabinet window.

How to Add/Remove Keys from Cabinet

Path: Material > Key Management > Adjustments

If you use the Cabinet window, you can specify when keys are stored or removed from the Cabinet. These actions are taken from the Adjustments window using Codes 2 (Remove) and 3 (Add).

Note: Before adding to the Cabinet, records for key holders and keys are needed.

  1. Go to Material > Key Management > Adjustments.
  2. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Select the Code in the Code field on the Adjustment Entry
  4. Complete the required and elective fields.
  5. Click the Save button on the Adjustment Entry
  6. Select the Technician in the underlying window.
  7. (Optional) Click the Add Key Adjustment link to make other adjustments.
  8. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
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