Key Adjustments - WebTMA 5

Path: Material > Key Management > Key Adjustments

Transactions regarding Keys such as creating keys, returning keys, adding keys to rings, etc. are made from the Adjustments window. Once you have created records for Lock Shops, Key Systems, Keys, Key Rings, and Key Holders, use the Adjustments window to create the number of keys, issue the keys, add to rings, and other actions.

The Adjustment Code link on the Action Menu contains a legend for all key adjustment codes.

Depending on the code selected, the fields on the Adjustment Entry window change to reflect the type of action. See How to Use Key Adjustment Window below for instructions on how to use the Adjustments window.

The screenshot above is typical of the codes that concern the key rather than the key holder.

The screenshot for Code 8 (Issue Key) on the next page is an example of the Adjustment windows that concern key holders. Note the button at the far right of the Key Holder field. When clicked, the Key Holder Issued popup window pictured below displays a list of all the keys currently assigned to the selected Key Holder. If no other keys are assigned to that Key Holder, the popup is blank. The popup does not open until you select a Key Holder

Key Adjustment Transfer Check Box

When the adjustment code is selected, the window may include a Transfer check box. A mark in this box indicates the key is being issued to the key holder because he or she was transferred from one department to another. It is for your reference only.

About Destroyed Keys

When you destroy a quantity, it is no longer available for issuance. When you destroy a serialized key, the serial number is also destroyed and no longer available for issuance.

The key and number are destroyed permanently. You cannot create a key using the same key number with a previously used serial number. Once a serial number has been destroyed in WebTMA, it can never be used again.

About Serialized Keys

If you have been using the WebTMA Keys module for some time (prior to v5.0.9) and you have existing serialized key records, the serial numbers for these ‘legacy’ keys have not been entered in the system, which was the way the pre-5.0.9 Keys module functioned.

In v5.0.9 and above, a serial number is required at the time you create or return keys from the Keys > Key Adjustments window. If you have legacy records for serialized keys, WebTMA accommodates these records and allows you to type the serial number in the Serial # field if you issue a legacy key. You can also return legacy keys without a serial number, but only if it was issued without a serial number.

Once the supply of legacy serialized keys has been issued or returned, WebTMA removes the ability to enter free-form text in the field. At that point you are limited to selecting serial numbers from the drop-down list.

Serialized numbering, when you create non-legacy serialized keys, offers you two ways of numbering:

  • Manually provide a Serial #
  • Enter a Quantity/Start and WebTMA automatically generates the numbers

If you complete both fields and attempt to Save the record, an alert warns you that only one option can be used.

How to Use Key Adjustments Window

Path: Material > Key Management > Key Adjustments

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Select the Code in the Code field on the Adjustment Entry
  3. Complete the required and elective fields. The fields on this window change based on the Code selected.
  4. Click the Save button on the Adjustment Entry
  5. (Optional) Click the Add Key Adjustment link to make other adjustments.
  6. Select the Technician in the underlying window.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

Since you can add several key transactions to the same the Key Adjustment batch, the window takes into consideration any pending transactions in the current batch.


Line 1. Return Key 100 (serial 123) from Joe Blow

Line 2. Issue Key 100 (serial 123) to Sally Doe

This is a valid key batch transaction; however, if you delete Line 1, Line 2 becomes invalid.

If you re-enter the contents of Line 1 as a new Line 3, the transaction is still invalid because the system only checks the lines above. Use caution with your line entries in order to avoid ruining the whole batch.

In addition, the entire batch is re-evaluated during the final save process when you click Save on the WebTMA toolbar. This re-evaluation assures that each line has a valid quantity. The first line that is found invalid stops the process, prevents the save, and alerts you that "Line X is invalid."

How to Add a Key Holder Signature

When you issue a key, you can also obtain a signature from the key holder to verify receipt. Your WebTMA System Administrator specifies the type of signature used from Admin > Client Info / Preferences. The Materials Management section includes a Signature Pad Type field.

The Action Menu on the Key Adjustments window displays a Signature link.

  1. Click the Signature link to open the Signature Entry
  2. Sign within the black rectangle.
  3. Click Save on the Signature Entry

Use the Clear button on the popup window to erase the signature and try again. Click the Cancel button if you decide not to record a signature.

Signatures can be reviewed from the Key Holders / Keys Tab. Click the signature icon  at the beginning of a key line to see the signature.

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