AR Payment Window - WebTMA 5

Path: Accounting > Accounts Receivable Invoice > AR Payment

The AR Payment window is used to select multiple transactions for internal payment. It is similar in appearance and intent to the AP Payment window; however, AR Payments are made to departments within your organization. Depending on the selections made by your System Administrator, payments can apply to:

  • Fuel & Oil
  • Sales Orders
  • Rentals
  • Expense Tickets
  • Utility Bills
  • Work Orders

You have the option to record payments made by check/voucher, credit/debit card, or credit memo. Since the use of this function applies to several windows, the various options are described in full in the Common Functions document (Help > Help Page / Common Functions).

Transactions are filtered by Department. The Account # is the account used to make payments.

For security reasons, only 12 characters are stored for credit/debit cards. If a payment is greater than the total of the detail lines, a credit memo is automatically generated by the system for the difference.

If the payment amount is more than the total of the detail lines, a credit memo is created on the record for the difference. Credit memos can only be used on payment that matches the department for which the credit memo was issued.

Regardless of how payment amounts are determined, they must be greater than or equal to the total of the lines on the payment record.

Rate Schedules and AR Invoices

When an A/R Invoice is made against a Work Order, the detail lines on the AR Payment record use the Charge value from the Work Order / Costs Tab.

Since the Rate Schedule is applied to the Charge value, which is a total cost rather than a unit cost, the Invoice line uses a Quantity of 1 as the Unit of the Charge value. The Extended Cost is also equal to the Charge value.

Example: On the Work Order, the Unit Cost for 6 Parts is 3.00, and the Total Cost is 18.00; however, the Charge is 24.00 with the Rate Schedule applied to the Total Cost. On the Invoice detail line, it may be a shock to see an invoiced Unit of 1; however, it does not reflect the number of parts, rather it reflects that one Charge value applies to the Invoice.

Editing AR Payments

Saved records cannot be edited unless they have been cancelled. If a record has not been cancelled previously, it can be cancelled by clicking the Cancel button that displays when you click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.

Records can only be cancelled if they do not have an applied credit memo. If a credit memo exists and has been applied to a different payment, the second payment must also be cancelled before the record you want to cancel.

Individual lines can also be cancelled. Once the line has been cancelled, the system will total the amounts cancelled and apply a new credit memo to this payment.

How to Add AR Payment

In Add mode on the AR Payment window:

  1. Complete the upper sections. Note your radio button selection (Check/Voucher, etc.) determines the fields in the middle section.
  2. Click the Add Detail Line link to open the AR Payment Entry
  3. Check the desired invoice types.
  4. Select a Repair Center to filter results.
  5. Click the Load Transactions
  6. Check the desired transaction lines.
  7. Click the Save button on the popup.
  8. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

The payment amount must be equal to or greater than the total of the lines on the payment record. Partial payments are not accepted.


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