Inspection Forms - WebTMA 5

Path: Organization > General Inspections > Inspection Form / Identity Tab

Once inspection tasks and master inspection checks are created, use the Inspection Forms module to integrate the tasks, checks, and check items needed for a technician to use on an inspection sheet. You also have the option to create inspection checks that are specific to a particular form using the Inspection Form / Inspection Checks Tab. The form-specific checks are only available to the Inspection Form for which they were created.

To view the Inspection Sheet, go to an inspection Work Order record that has been created either manually or during PM generation.

When you design inspection forms, keep in mind that inspection sheet checkout is limited to one person at a time.

Inspection Forms Identity Tab

Setting values in the Defaults section of the Inspection Form / Identity Tab is optional. You can select values for any or all default fields. These individual settings supersede the defaults on the Work Order / Identity Tab.

You also have the option to mark the Create Inspection to Item check box when you want to create an inspection for one item rather than a group of items.

How to Create an Inspection Form

Path: Organization > General Inspections > Inspection Forms / Identity Tab

From the Inspection Form:

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Complete the required fields in the Form Information

Note: The Repair Center in this section refers to an inspection group. It is a required field.

  1. (Optional) Select the desired Print Option. See the next topic, About Inspection Printout Forms, for information about these selections.
  2. (Optional) Complete the fields in the Defaults The Repair Center selected in this section is assigned to the corrective work order.
  3. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

This record provides the basic shell for your inspection form. It is incomplete until you add checks on the Layout Tab.

About Inspection Printout Forms

The Printout Form field includes a selection of print options that apply when an inspection sheet is printed from the work order.

The default is the full inspection sheet (Inspection Sheet Complete). If you want to use a different version, click the down arrow and select the desired option:

  • Inspection Sheet With Value and Pass/Fail
  • Inspection Sheet With Comments and Ten Checks
  • Inspection Sheet With Twenty Checks
  • Inspection Sheet With Ten Checks
  • Inspection Sheet With Comments and Ten Items

The names of these options of can be altered to meet your naming conventions or language preference.

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