Reservation Browse = WebTMA 5

Path: Transactions > Facility Scheduler > Reservation Browse

The Reservation Browse window is similar to other Browse windows on the WebTMA menu, such as WO Browse. A query window with options helps you search for specific reservations. However, Reservation Browse combines the usual list view with calendar view options. Weekly and Monthly results can be displayed in either list or calendar format.

Search by various criteria including reservation status, time period, and resources.

Once you set the criteria, click the List Reservations button to close the Reservation Browse Criteria window and display the reservations that match your criteria.

In list format, use the buttons at the bottom of the list window to Remove Selected line items from the list (not from the database) or Zoom to Highlighted line item for complete information.

Like other Browse lists, use the Sort button to arrange long lists for easier viewing or click the New Browse Selection link at the top of the grid to make new criteria selections and generate a different list.

In calendar view, reservations display as solid color bars on the calendar. Details are visible when you double-click on a calendar bar. A popup window summarizes the information. The WebTMA System Administrator has the option to restrict requestor's access to some of the information. See the next topic, Reservation Calendar Settings, for more information about this feature.

Reservation Calendar Settings

Path: Admin > Calendar Display Settings > Reservation Calendar

Since the Reservation Browse window includes display options for list and calendar view, some organizations prefer to limit the information available to Requestors.

Your WebTMA System Administrator can establish rules about what information is made available to requestors. Public information specified on the Calendar Display Settings > Reservation Calendar window is visible to all Requestors. The Private settings are not visible to Requestors when the proper setting is made on the Reservation record.

When the Filter Calendar check box is marked on the Reservation / Identity Tab, private information is only available to the person that created the request. This only applies to the Requestor login.

When fully authorized Users view the Reservation Information, they can see both Public and Private details.

How to Set Reservation Calendar Settings

Path: Admin > Calendar Display Settings > Reservation Calendar

This window offers the option to add or delete lines from the Public or Private grids. Click the standard trash can icon to remove a line from either grid.

To set different columns of information available to those who log in to WebTMA as Requestors:

  1. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Click the Add Row link at the top of the Public or Private grid.
  3. Mark the check boxes for the Column Names
  4. Click the Save button on the Column Entry
  5. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

Any columns that appear in the Public grid are visible to the logged in requestor. Columns in the Private grid are visible only to the requestor that created the information; however, persons logged in with full User privileges will see both Public and Private.

The Order column indicates the sequence in which the columns appear. Use the arrow buttons in the Move Up and Move Down columns to rearrange the sort order.

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