Vehicle Item Transfer - WebTMA 5

Path: Organization > Vehicle > Vehicle Item Transfer

The Vehicle Item Transfer window is used to transfer items that have been linked to one vehicle and link them to a different vehicle.

The window looks and operates the same way as other transfer windows, such as Equipment Transfer and Vehicle Transfer; the difference is that you use those windows to change the location of equipment or vehicles.

This window is only used to transfer previously linked items from one vehicle to another.

How to Transfer Vehicle Linked Items

Path: Organization > Vehicle > Vehicle Item Transfer

  1. Open the Vehicle Item Transfer window.
  2. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Type or select the Technician ID.
  4. Select the vehicle Tag in the Current Item section. With the addition of the vehicle tag, the other fields of this section populate automatically.
  5. Click the Search button to list all items that are linked to the vehicle. The data can be sorted by clicking the column headings.
  6. Select the item(s) to transfer from this list.
  7. Type the new vehicle Tag in the New Item section of the window.
  8. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
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