Vehicles Identity Tab - WebTMA 5

Path: Organization > Vehicle > Records / Identity Tab

Use this first window to record primary information about the vehicle including purchase, location, and mileage.

The Sub Assemblies Tab of Vehicle records shows the associated child modules of all item types that are attached to it. This is more comprehensive than other Sub Assemblies Tabs except for the Biomed / Sub Assemblies Tab that also shows all associated item types.

Vehicles may require special reminders when generating work orders or requests. Use the optional Popup Message Subtab to add a short (255 character) message that displays when the Vehicle is selected on Work Order or Request windows.

How to Add Vehicle Records

Path: Organization > Vehicles > Records / Identity Tab

  1. Enter a Tag #. When determining the style of your tag number (your ID for the vehicle), try to include abbreviations that are easily recognized such as VAN-01.
  2. Type the full Description of the vehicle.
  3. Type the Facility Name.
  4. Select a Type Description. Types must be set up before you enter the vehicle record.
  5. Include available elective fields.
  6. Click the Repair Centers Tab.
  7. Select the related repair centers.
  8. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.
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