IT Equipment Transfer - WebTMA 5

Path: Organization > IT Equipment > IT Equipment Transfer

If a piece of IT equipment is moved from one location to another, you can use the IT Equipment Transfer window to change the Location ID. Using the IT Equipment Transfer window is an easier process than opening each IT equipment item record to record the transfer. You can transfer several items at one time from the window.

A Search button on the window filters the list. Complete the current location information, and click the Search button to see all items at that location and/or department. To clear the results grid, click the Reset button.

Records marked inactive cannot be transferred.

If child records are associated with the IT equipment item, a message window prompts you, "Do you want to include child items in transfer?" In most cases, WebTMA recommends that child items also be transferred.

How to Transfer IT Equipment

Path: Organization > IT Equipment > IT Equipment Transfer

  1. Open the IT Equipment Transfer window.
  2. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Type or select the Technician ID.
  4. Type the Location ID in the Current Location. With the addition of the ID, the other fields of this section populate automatically.
  5. Click the Search button to list all assets located at the defined site. The data can be sorted by clicking the column headings.
  6. Mark the check box of the item(s) you wish to transfer from this list.
  7. Type the new Location ID for the New Location. If you don't know the ID, click the down arrows in the Facility, Building, and Area # fields and select the new locations. With these additions, the other fields are completed.
  8. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the transfer.
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