Events Identity Tab - WebTMA 5

Path: Transactions > Events > Records

Record primary information about the event using this window.

Information on the Event / Identity Tab tracks the necessary details about the event including name, date and contact information as well as routing information.

Auto-Fill Events Identity Fields

Some fields in the Contact and Funding Information section of the Events / Identity Tab can be automatically populated. If you select an entry in the Department field, the following fields are populated with information taken from the Department record.

  • Budget Account #
  • Primary Contact
  • Primary Phone #
  • Primary Fax
  • E-mail

If you first complete the Requestor Name field in the Contact and Funding Information section, these same fields are populated automatically as well as the Department field. The information is taken from the Requestor’s record; however the Budget Account # field is completed only when the requestor’s affiliated Department includes an Account # because the requestor record does not include an account number.

How to Create Events

Path: Transactions > Events > Records / Identity Tab

To record information about an event, follow these steps from the Events window:

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Complete all the required fields on the Identity Tab (see Events Required Fields below).
  3. Complete as many elective fields on the Identity Tab as possible (see Events Elective Fields below).
  4. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.

How to Authorize an Event

Path: Transactions > Events > Records / Identity Tab

Once an Event is created, the window typically displays the Authorization Routing section since most users require authorization for Events rather than the Accept/Reject option.

Similar to authorization in other modules, you have the option to Authorize, Reject, or Ignore the event request.  If you want to convert an event to a project or reservation, the event must be authorized. If the usual authorizers are unavailable, you have the option to change the route using the Manual Routing link on the Action Menu.

Use the Routing Comments field to give reasons why you have accepted or rejected the event. Remember that the person who submits the event request will see your comments.

The Convert button in this section is available only when you have authorized the event request.

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