Building Condition Browse - WebTMA 5

Path: Transactions > Capital Planning > Building Condition Browse

Similar in function to other Browse windows, use of the Building Condition Browse window results in a more comprehensive search than the Browse Tab on the Building window.

The Building Condition Browse Query window is used to filter the types of Buildings you want to review. When the list is generated, you can also:

  • Zoom to view details of a selected Building
  • Print some or all lines
  • Export all lines to an Excel spreadsheet.

Building Condition Browse Selection

Path: Transactions > Capital Planning > Building Condition Browse

Follow the menu path to open the Building Condition Browse Query window and select the criteria for filtering Buildings for review. Create a query using any combination of the options shown on the window.

Sample queries include:

  • Buildings by select type for a selected facility during a given period of time and either Funded or Unfunded.
  • Buildings by a select type for a select facility for several select UniFormat Level I Categories within a select date range from a selected date.

How to Select Building Condition Browse Criteria

Path > Transactions > Capital Planning > Building Condition Browse

The Building Condition Browse Query window opens when you select Capital Planning > Building Condition Browse. Set your search criteria on this window to generate a browse list.

  1. Follow the menu path to open the window
  2. Select the search criteria on the Building Condition Browse Query
  3. Click the List Conditions button on the window to start the search and close the Building Condition Browse Query

When the search is complete, the records that match your criteria are displayed in the Building Condition Browse window.

Building Condition Browse Options

Path: Transactions > Capital Planning > Building Condition Browse

A large Building Condition Browse list can be reorganized for easy review of the content by using the Sort button. In addition to sorting the columns, you can:

  • Select a line and click Zoom to Highlighted to open the Building record
  • Select lines and click Print Selected to print select Building Condition items
  • Select lines or simply click the Export button to send some or all Building Condition lines to an Excel spreadsheet

If you want to set new criteria, click the New Criteria Selection link at the top of the grid. This re-opens the Building Condition Browse Query window where you can change the desired selections.

Building Condition Browse Definitions

The columns on the Building Condition Browse window are defined as follows:

Code – Building Code

Building – Building Name

Replacement Cost – The Inflated Cost to replace the building which is itself a calculation of the Building’s square footage multiplied by the cost per sq. ft.

Work Element Cost – The total inflated cost estimates for any active and non-funded Work Elements linked to a building.

Condition – (The total Deferred Maintenance Work Element Cost Estimates / Building Replacement Cost) * 100

FCI Rating – A text based label based on the Condition (Good, Fair, Poor).

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