Report Writer Options Tab - WebTMA 5


Path: Reports > Report Writer / Fields Tab

The Report Writer simplifies creating a report because it shows the field names for the form you want to report on. You do not need to know table names or column names. The form includes the same field names that are visible on the interface.

There is no need to look up or remember column names to build the report. Behind the scenes, the form also handles report writing terminology such as "Join" as well as how to access the data. For users who are familiar with writing reports, you can only pick one external table, i.e., only one outer join.

Similar to the Form Tab, you can type characters in the field at the top of the list and use the filter field to reduce the length of the list.

How to Add Fields to a Report

Path: Reports > Report Writer / Fields Tab

The field names are the same as those you see in the WebTMA application. The joins and connections between the data are handled for you.

  1. Click the check box at the left of each field to be included in the report.
  2. Click the * asterisk at the top of the grid to sort your selections. They are grouped together at the bottom or top of the list.
  3. Click the Field Name label to toggle the sort from ascending to descending.
  4. Click the Next Tab button to open the Criteria

If you decide you want a different selection of fields, you can return to this window to clear any selected check boxes or add others if needed.


Path: Reports > Report Writer / Criteria Tab

The Criteria Tab is used to set the criteria for any of the fields available on the form you selected. Criteria settings are not required for a report; however, if you want to see specific data or limit the report to a time period, include criteria lines to filter your results.

You can set various types of conditions for a given field. In addition, the Add Group button allows you to group criteria for a line. Rows included in a Group display as children on the grid. The up  and down  arrows at the right of each line are used to set the hierarchy of the criteria.

When you select criteria, you can also choose to:

  • Prompt for input when the report is run (Prompt User check box)
  • Use a drop-down list (Use Drop Down)
  • Require input when the report is run (Required Field)

Use and availability of the Value and Field fields depends on your other selections.

If data is optional, users can add a value or leave the field blank. You can also add default values, so the criteria are ready each time you run the report. If you populate the Value field, the user will be limited to the value you have entered on this page.

If you have more than one line included on the Criteria Tab, an And/Or field opens.

  • AND is used when you specify more than one line of criteria and the results must match both sets of criteria.
  • OR is used when you specify more than one line of criteria and the results must match at least one criterion.

To review the text of the criteria settings, click the Syntax button to open the Criteria Syntax popup:

How to Add Criteria in Report Writer

Path: Reports > Report Writer / New Report - Criteria Tab

The fields you selected are available to use as criteria.

  1. Click the Add Criteria
  2. Choose and or or.
  3. Select a Field and Condition from the selection lists.
  4. (Optional) Type a Value. This may not be needed depending on the condition you choose.
  5. (Optional) Check the desired check box or boxes for Prompt User, Use Drop Down, or Required Field.
  6. Click the Update link to save the line.
  7. (Optional) Repeat to add more lines.

The same general process applies to the rows when you add a Group.

Use the up  and down  arrows to arrange rows in the hierarchy you desire.

You may want to go to the Layout Tab and click the Save button to save your work. This is not required but is recommended if you have a complicated set of Criteria.


Path: Reports > Report Writer / Calculated Fields Tab

The Calculated Fields Tab pertains to both text and numbers. Use the Add Text Field button to join two fields in a cell, for example First Name and Last Name.

To calculate fields, use the Add Math Field button. These calculated fields can be selected for use in the final report layout.

How to Add Calculated Fields in Report Writer

Path: Reports > Report Writer / Calculated Fields Tab

The following steps show how to specify fields you want to combine. These are available as options to add to your report layout.

  1. Click the Add Math Field button on the Calculations
  2. Type the name of the new calculated field in the Field Name
  3. Use the blank fields to select items for your calculation.
  4. Click the + button to the left of the field each time you make a selection. This adds the number, field, or operand to the Formula
  5. Click the Insert button on the window to save your calculation.

The Calculated Fields Operators described in the next topic defines the available Operators.

To change a portion of the formula during the creation process, click the - (minus sign) button to remove the last item added to the formula. Click repeatedly to remove the segments one-by-one. If you want to clear the calculation, click the Cancel button.

After you have saved your new report, you can also use calculated fields on the Summaries Tab.

Calculated Fields Operators


Path: Reports > Report Writer / Calculated Fields Tab

In addition to the standard add, subtract, multiply, and divide, the Operator selection window includes a % symbol, which represents Modulus. Use this operator to instruct the calculation to return the remainder of the division.

Grouping in Report Writer

Path: Reports > Report Writer / Grouping Tab

Grouping allows you to view the report in a more organized format. You can display your data grouped by any field in a report, for example, show all work orders for a facility grouped by buildings.

By using the Grouping option, you create a high level sort. In the example of buildings, each building name is followed by all the fields selected. The fields can be sorted under building A. Building B and its related fields appear next with fields sorted again according to your sort.

Highlight the fields you want to see in the left pane, and click the right arrow between the two panes to list the selection in the right pane. If you want to delete a line from the right pane, highlight and click the left arrow.

Sort the lines using the up and down arrows. The assigned sort Sequence number changes as you move a field up or down.

To start data on a new page, click the Page Break check box beside a given line item.

Sort in Report Writer

Path: Reports > Report Writer / Sorting Tab

This step allows you to set up the sorting options for your report. You can sort by any field in the report and specify if the sort order is ascending (A-Z, 1-9) or descending (Z-A, 9-1).

If you have specified a group, WebTMA suggest you select the Group field first.

How to Add a Sort in Report Writer

Path: Reports > Report Writer / Sorting Tab

  1. Select a field in the left pane.
  2. Click the arrow button to add the sort field to your report.
  3. (Optional) Click to clear the Ascending check box if you want a descending sort.
  4. Add other sort fields if needed.
  5. Click the Next Tab

The Sequence column indicates the sort order. Arrange the order of importance for multiple sort lines using the up and down arrow buttons.

 You can select from any field that is listed on the Fields Tab. The report includes these fields as part of the sort criteria even if the content of the field is not displayed on the report itself.

Summaries in Report Writer

Path: Reports > Report Writer / Summary Tab

Use the Summary Tab to specify numeric fields to calculate in columns (vertical calculation). These totals are shown in the footers of the report layout.

Only fields that qualify for this type of calculation are available for selection.

You can choose a summary type of:

  • AVG
  • MAX
  • MIN
  • SUM

When you use a COUNT Type, you have the option to mark the Distinct check box. If the box is checked, the COUNT will only count each work order one time, regardless of the number of tasks on a multi-task work order. By default, reports in Report Manager that include a COUNT have the Distinct box checked.

How to Add Summaries in Report Writer

Path: Reports > Report Writer / Summary Tab

All fields are required on this window.

  1. Click the Add Summary button.
  2. Type a summary Title that is easy to identify.
  3. Select the summary
  4. Select the Column (field name) you want to summarize.
  5. Click the document

Your summary selections appear in the grid.

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