If an existing report does not meet your needs, you can create an entirely new report.
From Reports > Report Writer, click the New Report button to launch the Report Writer.
Note: The following topics discuss each of the Report Writer pages in sequence. If you do not need to use some of the topics such as calculations or groups, you can click the desired Tab and go directly to the next applicable page. For example, you can set your criteria and go directly to the Layout Tab if you do not need to add other refinements such as calculations and sorts.
Path: Reports > Report Writer / Properties
The Properties Tab of the Report Writer window is used to set up general properties for the report such as a name, description, and paper size. When creating a new report, the default paper size is taken from the logged in user's preferences (Admin > User Management > Records / Preferences Tab). If editing existing reports, the print size follows the original selection, but it can be changed. The height and width fields are disabled unless you opt for a custom size.
The Category field shows the associated section of the WebTMA Report Manager window where you can select and run the report. If you do not select a category, the report is only available from the Report Writer.
The Access by Repair Center Code field is used to associate a report with a specific repair center. If you add a repair center to a report, WebTMA filters the report list and only displays the report name when the logged in user has access to that repair center. If a report is not affiliated with a repair center, all users with access to Report Writer can see it. If you edit existing records to add a repair center, be sure to click Save on the Layout Tab to save the new repair center restriction.
Click the Private radio button to prevent others from seeing the report listed in either Report Manager or Report Writer. The report is visible only to the person who created it. The report creator can edit the private report at any time and click either the Public or Public/No Edit radio button to make it available to others. Private reports are only visible to the Owner, i.e., the person that created it. These radio buttons are the same as those found in Browse Tab queries. Public reports are visible and can be edited by anyone. Public/No Edit reports are visible, but the query or report cannot be changed.
The Window Toolbar field is used to associate the report with the toolbar when a selected window is open. If you mark the adjacent Filter By Current Record check box, the report generated will display a report for the record that is visible when you click the toolbar report button.
You can display your company name and logo and add the default title for your report.
The following topics discuss each of the Report Writer Tabs in sequence. If you do not need to use some of the features such as calculations or groups, you can click the Tabs at the top of the wizard and go directly to the next applicable page. For example, you can set your properties, form, fields, criteria, and go directly to the Layout Tab if you do not want to add other refinements.
Path: Reports > Report Writer / Form Tab
A form is similar to a template. In this case, the form includes the fields related to a module of the same name, such as work order, equipment, etc. Browse or filter the list of available forms, and select the one that best meets your report objectives. If you elect to copy an existing report, the form for that report is selected for you.
Only one form can be selected per report, and the forms listed on this window do not include every field for every module. However, you can create other reports and use them as sub-reports in the layout. This allows you to incorporate the needed fields in one report.
By default, the Form window displays all available forms, but you can type the first few letters in the field above the list and click the down arrow for options to filter the names. Commonly used forms are work order, equipment, and technicians.