Path: Organization > Biomed > Records / Identity Tab
Use the first Biomed Tab to record primary information about the item including make/model, purchase, location, and any relationship to parts or sub-assemblies. The Sub Assemblies Tab of Biomed items shows the associated child modules of all item types that are attached to it. This is more comprehensive than other Sub Assemblies Tabs except for the Vehicles / Sub Assemblies Tab that also shows all associated item types
Biomed Equipment items may require special reminders when generating work orders or requests for the item. Use the optional Popup Message Subtab to add a short (255 character) message that displays when the Biomed Equipment item is selected on Work Order or Request windows.
NOTE: You can create a work order related to this item by clicking the Create WO link on the Action Menu.
How to Add Biomed Equipment Records
Path: Organization > Biomed > Records / Identity Tab
- Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Type the Control ID. This is named Tag # in other WebTMA modules. Include abbreviations that are easily recognized, such as DE-01 for a defibrillator when setting the style of your number. Numbers can be alphanumeric. The Name field provides more detailed identification for the item. *
- Select the Make. The information comes from the manufacturer's record (Materials > Vendor).
- Select Device Type.
- Select the Facility Name. Note: Certain items may "float" from one room to another; therefore, you are not required to select a specific room for a location.
- Include needed elective fields.
- Click the Repair Center Tab and assign repair center responsible for maintenance of the equipment.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.
* If your WebTMA System Administrator sets this field to use an auto-counter, the field is disabled, and WebTMA automatically populates it when the record is saved. With auto-counter turned on, WebTMA Purchase Orders for new (to WebTMA) Biomed items display the code as "AutoNumber" on PO records. Once the item arrives and is saved on the Receivings window, WebTMA automatically assigns the Control ID.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) describes the proper and safe procedures that are required when operating a piece of biomed equipment.
SOPs are not printed with the work order but are printed with the biomed equipment record.
SOP procedures are established using Organization > Task > SOP by users with the appropriate user access.
Lock-Out Procedure
The Lock-Out Procedure is a safety procedure that must be followed to ensure that dangerous machines are properly shut off and not able to be started again prior to completion of maintenance or repair work. For example, if work is being done on high-voltage equipment, a Lockout-tagout procedure is followed at the electrical panel to prevent other technicians from re-energizing the equipment while it is being worked on.
Lock-Out Procedures are printed as a separate page with the work order.
Lock-Out Procedures are recorded using Organization > Task > Lockout by users with the appropriate user access.