Schedule Report - WebTMA 5

Path: Reports > Report Manager – View Report Button

Management usually wants regular reports about certain aspects of the business. WebTMA gives you a way to generate selected reports automatically.

When you select a report and click the View Report button at the bottom of the window, the Print Option window opens. If you want to generate the selected report on a regular basis, click the Schedule Report radio button.

The generation criteria fields display when you click the radio button. Use these fields to set:

  • frequency report is generated
  • time of day report is generated
  • next generation date
  • expiration date
  • address of the person or persons who will receive the report
  • report format (.PDF or Excel spreadsheet)

The selections apply to the date, time, and frequency you want to generate the report.

Note that the days of the week apply only if you choose Week as a frequency. This allows you to generate the report on specific days. Mark at least one day to generate a report. When you choose Day in the Due Every field, WebTMA automatically generates the report daily as if all days of the week were checked.

How to Set Up Scheduled Reports

Path: Reports > Report Manager (or Report Writer) - View Report Button

The selections apply to the date, time, and frequency you want to generate the report. You have the option to send the report as a .PDF file or an Excel spreadsheet. The default setting is .PDF format.

  1. Locate the report to be scheduled.
  2. Click the View Report button at the bottom of the window.
  3. Enter information in the required fields. See the following note regarding weekly reports.
  4. Make elective changes or additions as needed.
  5. Click the Save Schedule

 If you select Week in the Due Every field, be sure to mark at least one check box for a day of the week. More than one day can be checked, but a minimum of one is required to generate a report. The check boxes apply only when you select Week in the Due Every field.

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