Areas - WebTMA 5

Path: Organization > Areas > Records / Identity Tab

The area is lowest required location level. Information about items such as equipment and assets is linked to area records.

In many organizations, the area level is equivalent to the rooms within a building. You can change the area field label to another term that is specific to your organization.

All equipment, vehicles, refrigerants, as well as assets and hazardous materials are linked to the area record. Work orders are written to the area level. All costs associated with a particular area will be rolled up to the building, facility, and higher levels linked to the area.

Some of the areas Tabs, buttons, and check box options are found throughout WebTMA. These are described in the separate Help > Help Page > Common Functions document.

If you use the optional Custodial module in WebTMA, the Custodial Matrix and Custodial Audit Item Tabs are also available.

How to Add Area Records

Path: Organization > Area > Records / Identity Tab

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Type or select the Building Name.
  3. Type the Area #. This code identifies the specific area, such as a room number, space number, etc. When the code is assigned, the read-only Location ID and Facility fields are populated by the system.
  4. Select the area Type.
  5. Type the Area Desc (description).
  6. Complete as many elective fields as needed.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.

NOTE:  The Location ID field is a combination of the building and area codes. The ID is used throughout the system, especially in the Work Order module. It appears in the Location ID field when you add the building and area number.

Areas Department Tab

Path: Organization > Area > Records / Department Tab

The Departments Tab shows the departments that occupy the current area or are responsible for costs. When chargeable work orders are written to an area, the default charge account assigned to the department is used.

WebTMA offers you two options for adding departments. To select one or more departments at one time, click the Add Department link at the top of the grid, and select from the Department Entry popup window. Click the Auto Distribute link to automatically assign equal responsibility to each department. The values in the Distribution column reflect a percentage of responsibility or occupancy. For example, if management uses the area 25% of the time and administration uses it 75%, you can indicate the usage distribution. To add details about each selected department, edit them individually using the pencil icon.

If you prefer to add Departments individually, click the Add Department Detail link. This opens the Department Detail Entry window where you can select the department and the desired detail at the same time.

Areas Misc Tab

Path: Organization > Area > Records / Misc Tab

The Misc Tab is used to record information about physical aspects of the area. For area-based work orders with Tasks that have an Auto-Track purpose, WebTMA automatically updates the related date fields on the Subtabs. For example, when drapes are cleaned, the date is added to the Curtain or Drapes Last Cleaned field on the Windows Subtab. Most Subtabs on the Misc Tab have fields related to the date some action was taken, such as cleaned, replaced, painted, or inspected.

The default view shows the Plumbing Subtab, which lists plumbing fixtures and any other plumbing equipment in the selected area.

The Paint & Light Subtab displays specific information about painting in the selected area, such as color and date last painted. Information about lighting and fixtures for the same area is also displayed.

The HVAC Subtab is used to record information about HVAC, flooring (carpet/tile), and life safety related to the selected area.

Use the Doors Subtab to record specific information about doors in the selected area, such as size, type, and lockset.

The Windows Subtab is used to record information about the windows in the selected area including location, type, and size. Two fields above the description grid relate to the date curtains or drapes were last cleaned or replaced.

If you use the optional Keys module, the Key Locks Subtab is visible as well. This Subtab displays information related to the keys and locks related to the Area.

Areas Occupants Tab

Path: Organization > Area > Records / Occupants Tab

Use the Occupants Tab to view or list requestors assigned to the Area. If you do not use WebTMA Enterprise, you can select requestors not currently assigned to the Area as Occupants. In Enterprise, this window is read-only, and the occupants listed are assigned from Admin > User Management > Requestors / Identity Tab. This window is also read-only if you use the optional CAFM module. See the note below.

For non-Enterprise versions, the Admin > User Management > Requestor record is updated to reflect the occupied area when an occupant is added to an Area. If a Requestor is deleted from the Area / Occupants Tab, the related Area information is automatically removed from the Requestor record as well.

NOTE:  If you use the optional CAFM module, changes are made through Move Manager, and the Area / Occupants window is read-only.

Areas Suites Tab

Path: Organization > Area > Records / Suites Tab

If an area has a parent-child connection with another area, the relationship is displayed on the Areas / Suites Tab. A parent-child tree is only shown on the Suites Tab of the parent record.

Select a child in the tree, and click the Zoom button at the bottom of the window to view the child record.

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