Vendors Identity Tab - WebTMA 5

The Vendors window is used to store details about vendors, manufacturers, and contractors. A record can apply to one or more designations, such as a vendor that is also a manufacturer.

The Identity–Vendor Subtab displays current order information as well as monthly and annual order totals.

Read-only fields on the Identity–Vendor Subtab provide information about the Last PO # and Last PO Date.

Information rolls up from related purchase requisitions or purchase orders and displays dollar amounts that have been purchased MTD (month-to-date) and purchased YTD (year-to-date) from the vendor.

The read-only Contracts Tab is linked to the Contracts window. If this vendor is the named contractor on an awarded contract (Organization > Contract), the contract number can display on the Vendors / Contracts Tab. The Subtabs on the window, Service Contracts and Project Contracts, allow quick identification of contract categories. Item records with the Service Contract check box marked display on the Service Contracts Subtab. Projects linked to a contract with this Vendor display on the Project Contracts Subtab.

The Task Type Tab also relates to contractors. Use the windows to assign tasks to a contractor. Complete information about setting up contractors and contracts is found in the separate Contract Management document from Help > Help Page.

The read-only Xref Tab displays a list of parts associated with the record. Parts are automatically linked to the record from the Parts / Suppliers Tab.

If your organization uses the Invoicing module, an Invoices Tab displays all payable transactions with an additional column to identify the transaction type, such as Purchase Order.

NOTE:  The vendor records available are limited to those approved for the user's Repair Center.

How to Create a Vendor Record

Path: Material > Vendors / Identity Tab

  1. Open the Vendors window.
  2. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Check the desired categories at the top of the window (Vendor, Manufacturer, etc.)
  4. Complete the required fields defined below.
  5. Complete elective fields as needed.
  6. Click the Repair Center Tab to add at least one repair center.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save.

Use the following required fields to set up a vendor record:

Code – the alpha-numeric code you assign to the vendor/manufacturer/contractor.

Name – the full company name up to 35 characters.

Type – the vendor type established in Organization > Lookups. If no types are shown when you click the down arrow, contact your WebTMA System Administrator.

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