WebTMA5 to WebTMA7 On-Premise Upgrade Guide

WebTMA 5 to WebTMA 7 Upgrade Guide


The upgrade tool migrates most key data from your WebTMA5 database to the new WebTMA7 database (data model).  There are some data sets in WebTMA5 which were not compatible with the new WebTMA7 data model. There are also a few data sets which were not originally included in the scope of the migration tool because we did not believe they were heavily used by on-premise clients but based on feedback we are adding to the tool in the coming weeks.  A list of key data not migrated is listed below:

  • ECRI-UMDNS – Coming Soon (8/30/2024)
  • Room Inspections - Coming Soon (9/30/2024)
  • ATG Integration– End point URL will have to be updated
  • BIM Interface Configuration - Not migrated. 
  • Dashboard Threshold Alerts – These have to be manually rebuilt as alerts 
  • Custodial Management for Service Providers – Not migrated (but normal custodial management does migrate) 
  • Custom SQL for Dashboards – Most custom SQL controls will need to be updated based on new data model 
  • Depreciation Schedules – Feature Does not exist in WebTMA7 
  • eMediTrack Configuration – End point URL will need to be updated to point to Service Request API 
  • Grounds Management - No plans to migrate 
  • iSD – No (TMA will swap out license for Service Request or Integration Suite (with APIs) as the replacement.  Please contact your Account Manager to discuss options). 
  • MedTester Interface - Not migrated. 
  • RSMeans Interface - Not migrated.
  • Service Request Form -  Cannot migrate because of differences in functionality– Clients have to build manually.
  • StarRez – URL for WebTMA end point has to be updated in StarRez (https://yoursite.com/api/v1/StarRezInterface
  • Universal Interface Configurations – Yes (URL end points will have to be updated if you are using Webservice version of UI) 
  • User Defaults - Not migrated.
  • Wash Interface Configuration - End point URL will need to be updated to point to Service Request API 

 Note: this is a new upgrade process starting with WebTMA 5 to WebTMA 7 on-premises environments.  It is recommended you review this entire document before beginning this process.  The provided software is designed to help automate your upgrade and ease your transition from WebTMA 5 to WebTMA 7.  Please follow these upgrade instructions with verbatim procedural compliance. *In order to download from the links specified below, you need to be a logged in user who is authorized at your organization to contact support. If you are not an authorized contact, please get in contact with one of the authorized contacts at your location, and they can download the file that you need.*

Click links to download:

WebTMA 5 to 7 Upgrade Utility Tool

WebTMA 7 On-Premise Installer

WebTMA 7 Installation Instructions

This document covers:

  • The required information to have on-hand before commencing your upgrade.
  • Upgrading your WebTMA 5 source database to the required version of v5.1.50.
  • Creating a blank WebTMA 7 destination database.
  • Executing the WebTMA 7 Upgrade Utility.


Required Information Needed for Upgrade:

  • SQL Server 2017 must be installed on the server where you will be executing the WebTMA7 upgrade utility. We recommend a minimum of 32 GB of RAM on that server since the linked documents migration is memory intensive.
  • Software and Hardware requirements for  WebTMA 7 On-Premises Installation (https://knowledgebase.tmasystems.net/hc/en-us/articles/8515845173389-WebTMA-v7-x-On-Premise-System-Requirements
  • Name of the SQL Server where the source WebTMA 5 database will be housed, the name of the WebTMA 5 database on that SQL Server, and a SQL username and password that is DBO of that database.
  • Name of the SQL Server where the destination WebTMA 7 database will be housed, the name of the WebTMA 7 database on that SQL Server, and a SQL username and password that is DBO of that database.


Upgrade your WebTMA 5 Database to the required version of v5.1.50:

*To Download the 5.1.50 installer use this link: WebTMA 5.1.50

Important: if you are running a version of WebTMA 5 v5.1.42 or lower, please execute the following SQL query:

SELECT COUNT(1) [Transaction Count] FROM f_keyTransaction

  • If the Transaction Count is greater than 20,000, stop your WebTMA 5 to WebTMA 7 upgrade process email webtma7@tmasystems.com with the email subject:


Key Transactions exceed 20,000 [Your Organization Name] and then fill out the email body with a request for a WebTMA 5 v5.1.50 on-premises upgrade consultation.  Please note to replace [Your Organization Name] with the name of your organization.


  • If the Transaction Count is less than 20,000 or you are running a version of WebTMA 5 below v5.1.50, then please execute eTools in accordance with the following standard procedure to update your WebTMA 5 source database.


Procedure for executing eTools on your WebTMA 5 source database:

1. Take a backup of your current WebTMA 5 production environment and restore that copy to your desired server location. 


2. Create a user on that server.  NOTE - SQL Server 2017 must be installed on the server where you will be executing the WebTMA7 upgrade utility. We recommend a minimum of 32 GB of RAM on that server since the linked documents migration is memory intensive.

a. Expand the Security folder on your desired server, right click on Logins and select New Login...

b. Enter your desired credentials for the user under the General page:


c. Under the Server Roles page, ensure that dbcreator is selected:

d. Under the User Mapping page, ensure that your user has db_owner enabled for your WebTMA 5 source database. 

3. Open the WebTMA5 eTools folder provided with the WebTMA7 Upgrade Utility package and execute eTools as administrator:

4. Enter your credentials inside of the eTools application and hit the Execute button:

5. When eTools is complete you should receive the following output in the text box:

6. Verify in your database that you are at the correct version after this eTools process with the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM f_webtmaCurrentVersion


The AppVersion column should read 5.1.50.  Congratulations!  You have successfully completed establishing your WebTMA5 source database for your WebTMA5 to WebTMA7 upgrade.


Create your WebTMA 7 destination database:

7. On your desired SQL server, create a user in accordance with steps 2a through 2c for your WebTMA7 destination database.


8. Run WebTMASQLPackage.exe as administrator:

9. Enter your database server name, user credentials (with DBO permission), and your desired WebTMA7 destination database name.  Select the Create database radial button.  Click the run button:


10. Upon creation of the database, the application will indicate a green checkmark:

11. Verify in your database that you are at the correct version after this eTools process with the following SQL query:


SELECT * FROM fs_CurrentDatabaseVersion WHERE Date = (SELECT MAX(Date) FROM fs_CurrentDatabaseVersion)


The Version column should read 06.9.2023.CC.  Congratulations!  You have successfully completed establishing your WebTMA7 destination database for your WebTMA5 to WebTMA7 upgrade.


Execute the WebTMA7 Upgrade Utility:

NOTE:  Server where the upgrade utility is run should have a minimum of 32 GB of RAM available. 

12.  Ensure the user account you will be using for this upgrade has db_owner access granted for your WebTMA7 destination database:

13. Run the WebTMA7 Upgrade Utility.exe as Administrator:


14. Click the Configure WebTMA5 Connection button, enter the required connection configuration to your WebTMA5 Source Database, and then click the Test Connection String button.  You should receive a popup confirming a successful connection:

15. Click the Save button after receipt of connection success:

16. Close the WebTMA5 Source Connection window by clicking the Close button.


17. Click the Configure WebTMA7 Connection Button, enter the required connection configuration to your WebTMA7 Destination Database, and then click the Test Connection String button.  You should receive a popup confirming a successful connection:

18. Click the Save button after receipt of the connection success:

19. Close the WebTMA7 Destination Connection window by clicking the Close button.                         

20. Click the Validate Conversion Readiness button and verify both checkmarks are checked:



21. Click the Commence Precheck button on the WebTMA7 Upgrade Utility:



22. You should receive popup prompts informing you of package execution.  Additionally, the WebTMA7 Upgrade Utility will update on the Package Execution Status: grid with Success or Failure:

23. Click the Commence Upgrade button on the WebTMA7 Upgrade Utility:



24. You will receive multiple popup windows detailing package execution during this process.  Select OK on the popup windows to proceed with your conversion:

25. Acknowledge each window popup with OK to proceed with your WebTMA7 upgrade process:

26. Upon receiving Success on all packages, click the Commence Cleanup button on the WebTMA7 Upgrade Utility.  NOTE:  If any errors were encountered, follow the common data clean up article for guidance on resolving data issues preventing the upgrade tool from completing.  https://knowledgebase.tmasystems.net/hc/en-us/articles/22097988476173-Troubleshooting-WebTMA7-On-Premise-Upgrade-Utility-Errors  

27. Upon receipt of success for the final Data Cleanup, you have completed your data upgrade from WebTMA5 to WebTMA7:

Congratulations!  You are ready to install the WebTMA7 application on your server and begin using your new, upgraded system.  Please follow the provided instructions for your WebTMA7 on-premises installation.  Those instructions can be found at WebTMA7 Installation Instructions

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