When to Add Occurrence vs. New Schedule

If you need to add an additional date(s) to your event but not sure if you should add it as an occurrence or new schedule, here is some information that may be helpful.

Adding Occurrences 

For best practices, choose "Add Occurrence" if you set up your event with recurrence rules on the main Details tab (daily, weekly, monthly...) and then you want to add an extra day or two. You can also add an occurrence when you want to add a "one off" occurrence. 

  • For example, if you've set your event up to recur every Thursday and you would like to add a Friday, you can do so by going to the Occurrences tab and choose Add Occurrence

Adding Schedules 

When adding a large event that has many componentsit, you can add multiple schedules within that event. These schedules could be on different days, at different times and in different spaces, but still all tied to the same event. A good use case would be for a wedding. 

  • For example, let's say you are scheduling an event called "Beth & John's Wedding" and you've added all of your items, but you want to add a New Schedule for the rehearsal and one for the reception, with different date/times, items, etc. You can go to the Schedules tab and Add New Schedule for the rehearsal and another for the reception. 
  • When adding a new schedule, you can add recurrence rules as well.

  • When a schedule is added to an event, you can toggle among the schedules by choosing one in the drop-down menu on the far right side. The schedule you have selected will determine which schedule you are editing when making changes on the Details tab, Items tab, Setup Tab, etc.

All of your events with occurrences and/or schedules are visible on your dashboard, as well as on the Availability tab of the event. 

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