Path: Admin > BIM Template Setup
On the BIM Template Setup window, the Add / Edit / Delete / Copy functionality follows standard WebTMA conventions, and the Repair Center Tab is used to specify associated Repair Centers for user data access.
The Identity Tab contains the following elements:
- Name – text field that includes the unique template name that will be displayed in the Revit Add-In.
- Description – text field that includes additional descriptive information.
- Template Grid – hierarchical grid that displays the template details. The first tier of the grid is the Category Mapping. The second tier of the grid is the Field Mapping.
BIM Category Mapping Dialog
The Add Category Mapping flyout window opens when you click the Add Category Mapping link or edit a Category line. Category Mappings specify the link between WebTMA item types and Revit categories.
The dialog contains the following elements:
- Category – the Revit category in the mapping
- Item Type – the WebTMA item type in the mapping
- Tag Parameter – the parameter matched to the tag number when a record with a matching Revit UID does not exist. This is optional for the Level category, where the Name parameter is used by default, and the Room category, where the Number parameter is used by default, but is required for all other categories.
- Default Type – the default Type (Area Type, Equipment Type, etc.) used for new records being created in WebTMA. This value is only used if a field mapping for the Type Code or Description is not established in the Field Mapping list.
Because the Category and Item Type determine the available fields, these cannot be changed once the Category Mapping is added. The Level category should always be mapped to the Floor item type, and the Room category should always be mapped to the Area item type.
BIM Field Mapping Dialog
The Add Field Mapping flyout window appears when adding or editing a field mapping. Field mappings specify the link between WebTMA fields and Revit parameters.
The dialog contains the following elements:
- Parameter Name – the Revit parameter in the mapping. This value is case-sensitive.
- Use Built-In Param – this check box changes the parameter name field to a drop-down list of built-in Revit parameters. The options in the list are determined by the selected Revit category in the category mapping.
- TMA Field Name – the WebTMA field name in the mapping. The options in this drop-down list are determined by the selected WebTMA item type in the category mapping.
- From BIM – determines if this data can flow from Revit to WebTMA. This check box is disabled for some parameter/field selections.
- From TMA – determines if this data can flow from WebTMA to Revit. This check box is disabled for some parameter/field selections.
The parameter data types should match the field type in WebTMA as closely as possible. For example, check box fields, such as Active, should be linked to "Yes/No" parameters in Revit, while text and numeric fields should be linked to parameters of the corresponding type in Revit. Errors may occur or data may be difficult to read or update if the types do not match.
WebTMA Fields with BIM Behaviors
Here are some WebTMA fields with behaviors specific to this interface:
Floor Number – This field behaves like the Room Number field and is automatically prefixed with the Building Code when importing and exporting. This is the default behavior used for matching the Level name to the Floor Code on import. This field is generally recommended over a direct Floor Code mapping to ensure unique floor codes within WebTMA.
Department Name – Updating this field from Revit will set this single department with 100% usage of the area.
Room Number, Location ID, Floor Number, or Floor Code – Updating any of these fields from Revit will override the parent location returned in the model. This set of fields is generally used when uploading equipment data from an MEP model separate from the architectural model.
Motor ID – This is a unique identifier for the motor linked to the Equipment. A value in this field is required to upload any other motor information.
Request URL – This is a one-way field used to generate a location-specific service request URL. This should be loaded into a URL-type Revit parameter for use. If there are customized versions of the Service Request window, a Custom Form flyout list will be displayed to select the specific form to be used. If no custom form option is selected, the default system form will be used.